TRON/TRON: Legacy: Film Analysis and Breakdown Hizuz, family. - TopicsExpress


TRON/TRON: Legacy: Film Analysis and Breakdown Hizuz, family. In this breakdown and analysis, I will examine both in Tron Trilogy. I said trilogy because the next film will be released in 2016. The science that is used in these films is combination of religious myth, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Meso-America mythology, and Biblical themes all wrapped up into one film. We will explore all these themes for it is essentially a part of their (Elite) CODE and Synthetic programming to keep us locked within a mainframe Cube. However, both films are about the economic collapse, 9/11 Predictive Programming (primarily in the first film), and Cyber warfare. In the first film, you are introduced Kevin Flynn. A brilliant computer hacker and video game creator, whom is trying to get his job back at ENCOM. Framed by his rival, Ed Dillinger (SARK/MCP), he is terminated from ENCOM. He not only loss his job, but his IP (intellectual Property), transferred to the hands of Dillinger, who takes all the credit for his work. In this frame work, the audience is presented with another alternative re-telling of the God vs Satan story. In this case, though its been altered, Kevin Flynn can seen as Lucifier, the serpent kicked out of Heaven (ENCOM), trying to make his way back into heaven (hence the massive door opening up for him, Alan, and Yori) to dethrone the false God Yaldaboarth (Dillinger), to reclaim his rightful place as the true Messiah. Most importantly, unlike the second film in the series, the CODE in this film is Genetic Engineering and Designated Mapping of all life on Earth. Whether it is human, animal, plant, elemental, organic, etc. The goal is the control and manipulate the molecular structure of all organisms so that it be replicated through the mechanics of Artificial Intelligence. In other words, INSERT ALL OF HUMANITY INTO A SUPERCOMPUTER FOR EFFORTLESS CLONING AND PROGRAMMING. The scientists of the Elite all forms of carbon serialized and numbered to analyzed and recreated, this also includes you soul. There is no other way for them to survive but through the use of A.I. In the scientific community this is codified as the Genome Code which is just another word for Genetic Coding and Matter/Carbon Mapping-Manipulation. The MCP (MASTER COMMAND PROGRAM), is a virus bent on assimilation. The MCP wants to establish not only a New World Order and a new System (Mind set/MK Ultra programming), he also wants to create a new and perfect Race of humanity that operate as a one mind collective that do not disobey their superiors (Vatican). This is same delusion that CLU was suffering from in the Legacy, which was to create a system of perfection that could never be achieve... But due his jealous nature, he corrupted his soul and Chakras. Yes, his Chakras. CLU represented Yellow chakra (Solar Plexus), however in the second film was not only the Solar Plexus, but the Sacral Chakra (Orange), and the Root/Base (Red). Im not going to articulate the negative nature of those Chakras, but all of Chakras have a dual nature, which can be seen as Positive and Negative. Kevin Flynn represented the Crown Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Dark Matter, whilst Sam Flynn, TRON, and Quorra represent the Throat and Brow Chakras. In the first film, Kevin mentions he needs to get Level 7 Group access to break into the system. Level 7 is the Root/Base Chakra. Remember, Dillenger had ENCOM locked down under the Red security clearance because he was symbolic of Base Chakra, in which operated under all levels and functionality. However, in the end, Kevin Flynn uses Group 6 access (Sacral) to break into the systems memory banks (Akashic Records). TRON = Rebellion and Freedom from a tyrannical computer simulation that wants your DNA and SOUL (Solar). This is why he fought for the Users (the physical and God Particle of your higher self or your higher nature). The Program as were commonly referred to, is your Soul at war with MCP (Elite/MK ULTRA). Look at how Walter (Dumont) use these specific words in his debate with Dillenger: Our Spirit remains in every Program we design for the Computer A Ghost in a Shell is how humanity is viewed by the Artificial Intelligence of the Program. It most important to pay attention to every numeric value in the film, but more on that later. I mentioned earlier that this film is about the economic crash and 9/11 predictive programming. This is why: In a discussion between Dillinger and MCP: I was planning to HIT THE PENTAGON next week. It shouldnt be any harder than any other BIG COMPANY Dillinger: What do you want with Pentagon MCP: The same thing I want with the KREMLIN. Im bored with corporations. With the information I can access, I run things 900 to 1200 (666) times faster better than any human. Now, where are those CHINESE FILES (USA/CHINA/RUSSIA ECONOMY COLLAPSE CODE). Since I dont believe in coincidence, what are the odds that the software company in the film is called ENCOM (In Command/Project INSIGHT), but in real life, an organization known as ENRON folded, filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy 81 Days after September 11th, 2001 (Chapter 11/911 = 81 Days =8 +1 =9). Even more non-coincidental, the film takes place in September 22, 1984 (Terminator/Skynet = 22 = 2 x 11 = 22 = Godhead = 4 = Kingdom in Judaism). ENRON was brought down purposely as a CODE for the economic downturn and collapse. ENRON was just another division in the Pentagon and the WTC. Now, on to the sequel, but this will be brief, what I cannot add in this post, Ill put in the comments. In the second film, Kevin is seen with CLU, on a mission to evolve the course of humanity to higher levels. During this excursion he runs into a Race of algorithms that he refers to as ISOs. As he is sharing the tale with his son, Sam, this is what he says: Kevin Flynn: The Miracle...You remember. ISOs, isomorphic algorithms, a whole new life form. Sam Flynn: And you created them? Kevin Flynn: [Laughs] No, no. They manifested, like a flame. They werent really, really from anywhere. The conditions were right, and they came into being. For centuries we dreamed of gods, spirits, aliens, and intelligence beyond our own. I found them in here, like flowers in a wasteland. Profoundly naive; unimaginably wise. They were spectacular. Everything Id hope to find in the system; control, order, perfection. None of it meant a thing. Been living in a hall of mirrors. The ISOs shattered it, the possibilities of their root code, their digital DNA. Disease? History! Science, philosophy, every idea man has ever had about the Universe up for grabs. Biodigital jazz, man. The ISOs, they were going to be my gift to the world. The ISOs are the people of the sun/flame, which are our ancestors. Nimrod built a city and tower. The tower is YOU, The Tree of Life. Nimrod was a NATION of people, not a single being. The Purge is your destruction, because we are seen as an imperfection to their system. Their so - called perfect, New World. TRON: This is the key to a New World, this Key means Freedom That ends the breakdown and analysis of TRON. leave your feedback in the comments. Tell what you think, family. I have more to cover in the comments section. Make sure you take the time to check out the photos, I posted them all for a reason.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:56:43 +0000

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