TRUCKERS UNITE! Let us all put together a valid petition and - TopicsExpress


TRUCKERS UNITE! Let us all put together a valid petition and solidified effort to remove Anne Ferro from the FMCSA. Forget the many chaotic issues that we never seem to agree on and focus all our energies into making a stand against this one self absorbed woman who thinks she alone knows how to save the world from all those killer truckers. She does not listen to us nor does she give a damn about our concerns, we who are the front line soldiers in the cause of safe highways. We are the ones who make our highways safe not a bunch of regulators sitting behind mahogany desks in an office somewhere out of touch with the real road. We know best what works for our safety and what doesnt. Each of us knows the truth about what really happens on these roads and who is causing the real dangers to safety. The greatest majority of truck drivers see safety as their number one priority on the highways for ourselves and for all those we share the road with. We are not renegade killers being held back by the likes of Anne Ferro, we are parents, brothers and sisters who care about our families and the families of those we drive around and deliver to. None of us wants to see a wreck or dead bodies on a highway. We all want to get where we are going safely and to return home to our families the same way. But the regulators and lawyers and others paint an entirely inaccurate picture to justify their overbearing regulations and interference in our industry. Enough is enough it has to stop now and it has to end. Anne Ferro must be the example set for the rest to see that we are serious about justice and real safety
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:37:13 +0000

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