TRUE CONFESSION OF A DELICIOUS RESENTMENT: A while back I lent three of my Benjamin Moore paint colour wheels to three neighbours in our Apartment House who were on a decorating committee. These charts are very valuable to me because they dont make them anymore. Two were returned promptly. The third took forever to get back, but I was persistent. The entitled neighbour who clearly did not want to return it even had the gaul to ask me to recommend colours for her beach house that I had never seen - for FREE, of course! (Appalled by this, I recommended a few appalling colours!). Shes something else. Shes a producer or editor at some cuisine food show or publication, with a real cosmopolitan, put-on Oh, Im too busy and important to talk to you air about her. When she and her husband divorced there was a reality-show like series of articles about it in The New York Times (that they participated in - can you imagine?). Since I finally got my chart back from her, shes ignored me in a real nose up in the air way (like I had wronged her!). This year she was one of the organizers of the Halloween party in our building. At the party, after I had MCd and served as Judge on the costume competition, several neighbours ran up to me - in her presence - to tell me how wonderful I was and that I was the heart and soul of the building. She looked over at me and gave me this sinister Glenn Close as Patty Hughes on Damages look that was just pathetic but delicious for me. I just looked back and smiled while a jingle of Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha danced in my head. I know I should probably pray for her (and for me too, as I am a full and willing participant!)... but for now its a delicious moment I will savour for some time. Love, Freddy
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:27:23 +0000

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