TRUE FORGIVENESS AND FREEDOM FROM BITTERNESS: Gen.50:15-21. The subject of forgiveness is a universal subject that affects all men, whether educated and illiterate, rich or poor; we cannot live in this world without having someone offending us. Joseph did not take advantage of his brethren who offended him years back when he was like helpless now in position of authority and his brethren helpless he did not take advantage to punish them or revenge their past wrong but truly and freely forgave them. Bitterness, unforgiving spirit hurts the offender more than the offence itself. Unforgiving spirit, bitterness poisons the blood, causes skin rashes, and high blood pressure, sleepless night etc. you hurt yourself when you refuse to forgive freely and sincerely. Job.5:2. For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one. Anger, wrath and unforgiving spirit kills, creates health problem for the one who refuses to forgive. Job.18:4. He teareth himself in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place? He tears yourself down through pilling up offences in your heart. High blood pressure, migraine headache, sleepless night etc is the outcome of unforgiving spirit. Pro.14:30. A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. You do yourself lots of good b forgiving others their offences. Pro.27:4. Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy? The believer who truly and freely forgives: (1) Releases the offender from the bondage of guilt. (2) He turns enemies into friends. (3) He opens himself up to God’s mercy. (4) It opens the way for others to forgive you. (5) It give you a merry heart that doeth more good than medicine. Pro.15:13. Pro.17:22. (6) It opens a flood gate of blessings unto you. Job.42:10. (7) Forgiveness shows you as real child of God. Mt.5:43-48. FORGIVENESS AND FREEDOM FROM BITTERNESS: Eph.4:31-32. Mt.18:7, 21-22, 35. Col.3:13-14, 19. 1Samuel.24:2-7, 16-18. Rom.12:18-21. No man can go through live without someone not misunderstanding your intention, motive and offending you in one area or the other but the Lord required that we forgive freely. There can no real peace, joy and good relationship in the family without sincere forgiveness from the heart. (1) We forgive and act and care as nothing happened. (2) Forgive without resentment, grudge, bitterness and anger in the heart. (3) Forgive and speak friendly and to reassure the offender. (4) Forgive and pray and plan for the good of the offender. (5) Forgive and quit the position of a judge and take the position of a friend. (6) Forgive and never take advantage of the offender’s predicament and helplessness and weakness. (7) Forgive freely, forgive fully and forgive and forget completely. ARE YOU REALLY FREE FROM BITTERNESS? OR DO YOU HAVE BITTERNESS WITH YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE OR A FRIEND OR WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS? COME TO JESUS AND HIS BLOOD WILL WASH YOU THOROUGHLY FREE FROM BITTERNESS.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:48:37 +0000

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