TRUE FREEDOM: The reason that most people dont feel free in every - TopicsExpress


TRUE FREEDOM: The reason that most people dont feel free in every aspect of their lives is because they are believing in a lie. They understand that to attain freedom, they must become free from something. This type of freedom is illusory and always temporary. The true freedom that Im referring to is not found by trying to avoid or escape from anything in life. It is better understood as a freedom for something, rather than a freedom from something. This real true freedom embraces every problem, issue and situation as divine. It is seeing life is the perfect teacher and how everything is happening exactly as it needs to. This real freedom cannot be given to you by anything or anyone, which is why it cannot be taken away by the outer world. True freedom is really quite radical. The mind can have a challenging time trying to understand what it is, what creates it and how to grasp it. The mind cannot imagine that in the midst of all the challenging situations youre facing in your life today, that you can simply rest in the most expansive freeing feeling possible. The mind thinks you have to achieve some goal before you can become free. When you drop this idea of having to achieve anything in your inner world or outer world, you see that true freedom is always right here, right now, always available to you and that you never had to do anything in this world to experience it. Once you discover you have permanent access to true freedom, youll wonder why you were ever wasting your time trying to settle for the temporary state of freedom that would one day be taken away from you. Its good to know that all the dramas we get to face in life are always opportunities for deeper spiritual growth. Anytime you hear yourself (or someone else) making an emotional complaint, remember that this is an argument to remain limited in power, love and unbounded freedom. The mind tends to dwell on what is not working instead of what is working. It often forgets that anything is possible. It forgets we are divine all powerful beings capable of manifesting anything we put our attention upon. The mind tends to dwell on whats not right, what needs to change, and thus this is what it manifests more of. Whatever we put our attention on grows, and when the mind dwells on the heart of true freedom, the most amazing magical encounters begin presenting themselves to you.~Jafree Ozwald
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:45:04 +0000

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