TRUE FRUITS OF CONVERSION MUST FOLLOW PROFESSION OF FAITH WITH TIME. Read on for details. Share! Share! Share! Nicodemus was a religious leader who knew the Holy Scriptures and its teachings but he still needs to be Born-Again in order to be a SAVED Soul before GOD. Why must we be Born-Again you ask? Below is the answer. This is because after JESUS CHRIST has come into the world and died for the sins of the whole world, no one can now enter into HEAVEN unless they truly in faith Believe, repent, acknowledge they are sinner before GOD, ask JESUS to forgive their sins and accept JESUS to be their SAVIOR and LORD and they submit fully under the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST and follow, obey and do His commands. This is what Born-Again means. When you in faith genuinely surrender your life fully to JESUS, The Holy Spirit supernaturally does a True Transformation in your life. GOD gives to you The Holy Spirit and you are now become born of water and the Spirit and you become a New Creation before GOD. You have been adopted into GODS Kingdom as a son of GOD whereby you now call GOD - Abba Father. With time as you continue in your walk with JESUS, because you now belong to JESUS, your life will start to exhibit true fruits of True Conversion. As you grow more and more close in your walk with JESUS, you will exhibit more and more fruits. Only True Born-Again Christians will exhibit these fruits because you are grafted into JESUS - The True Vine. What are the fruits of True Conversion you ask? Pastor will list them below so you can check whether your life exhibits them: 1.0 Is GOD and His Son JESUS CHRIST and Holy Spirit your ONLY TRUE GOD you are worshipping? You must not be worshipping any idols in your life because GOD will have no other gods besides Him! He alone is the Only True And Living GOD! 2.0 Do you have assurance of Salvation in your heart? If you die today, are you certain your Soul will goto HEAVEN to live with GOD for Eternity? 3.0 Since the day you first professed to follow JESUS, are you still believing and following JESUS daily? 4.0 Do you have a desire to fellowship with GOD by spending time in His Holy Presence daily? Do you read GODS WORD, pray, give praise, worship and tell GOD you love Him and have a thankful heart towards GOD? 5.0 Do you have love and compassion for perishing souls who still do not know JESUS as SAVIOR and you has a desire to tell them The Gospel Message so they may find Salvation in JESUS? 6.0 When you commit a sin, are you conscious of grieving Holy Spirit inside you and you know that you need to repent and seek forgiveness from GOD and desire not to fall into sin again? 7.0 Are you aware that you are now no longer your own but you are bought by the blood of CHRIST who died for you and you now belong to JESUS? 8.0 Do you have a desire to obey and do the commands of JESUS daily to Go, Preach The Gospel Of Salvation In CHRIST to as many people as possible in obedience to Our SAVIOR? JESUS declares to His disciples while on earth: he that obeys and does my commands are the ones who love Me, and He who loves Me loves My FATHER and My FATHER loves him. These are important fruits that every True Born-Again Christian will exhibit more and more in their lives as time goes by. If you do not see these fruits in you, you are very likely not Born-Again still and you must make a fresh commitment to genuinely ask JESUS CHRIST to come into your heart to be your SAVIOR and LORD. Therefore, take note: it is not being acting religious, going to church regularly, singing and taking part in church activities, joining in singing and praising and saying prayers that means you are Born-Again. You must have a True Conversion. There must be evidence of a true transformation by the Holy Spirit in your life some time after your profession of faith, as shown by the fruits you bear. Just outwardly saying you believe in JESUS and carrying a Bible and yet without a true conviction in your life by Holy Spirit that results in a new life transformation showing the fruits of True Conversion in your daily living with time, is not Born-Again. Add me as friend if you would like to be ministered with GOD’S WORD here in our Church on Facebook on a regular basis. And come often to our Facebook Page so you may fellowship here and receive spiritual nourishment for your soul. GOD bless you. Pastor Ben Soon.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:55:04 +0000

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