TRUE HAPPINESS, THE MISSED STEP INTRODUCTION Many authors have penned their views of happiness. Their opinions, and beliefs conveyed in discussions, reality television, lectures, and seminars. The pursuit of nirvana, as many view it, is nothing new. Happiness throughout the ages has taken on many meanings. One of the popular views is happiness is pleasure. The obtaining of toys, material objects that accompany those who have attained recognition or stature in society. These material objects seem to preclude how one obtained this success or whether any values are attached to aid or benefit society. Happiness then becomes something we reach or obtain by means other than self exploration. Joy of life and the respect of others can be bought or purchased. My background in sociology and rehabilitation and extensive travel abroad found this is a widely held belief. While I make no judgment on various beliefs, customs etc. I speak about a different happiness. A state of consciousness that can only be found within your inner most self. The missed step is our thoughts that we must search outside of ourselves. We do not already possess the ability to be happy . We all possess this capability and only have to reach inside. This state is not tangible but rather a spiritual non denominational place that exists in our minds. Many poets, prophets, healers have said you are what you think and you become what you believe. So this book as my previous books and writings incorporates my real life experiences and beliefs. You will be able to understand true happiness from a unique perspective while gaining insight into my innermost beliefs and thoughts which brought me to a higher state of consciousness.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:07:12 +0000

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