TRUE LOVE THAT MAKE YOU, BUILD YOU, IS FROM A CLEAN HEART. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs4:23 For As a man thinks in his heart so is he proverbs23:7 Jesus said, “a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things”matt12:35 INTERESTING! “The heart is formed before the brain in the womb” any doctors in the house for confirmation? lol It is from the heart, not from the mind, that good and evil come forth. that is why God made it possible for us through faith in Christ to be “born again,” and to have a new heart, a heart that receives and contains the Spirit of God and brings forth the good things of Christ. Its read and I quote, “you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment, and the second, like it, is this: you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Matt22:37-39 NOTICE, The heart comes first. He did not say, “love God with your soul, mind and strength,” but He put the heart first! Love must first be in the heart, both in love for God and for your wife and the people around you. if genuinely love is in your heart toward your wife you will not punch her but bath her with love, If you truly love your husband you will honor him, obey him and respect him If we truly love ourselves we will all strive for PEACE and UNITY in our society, The way you respond to post or issues show your love toward men or others. How dare you claimed you love me but end up hurting me? No, you dont, but evil in your wicked heart. “These people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have remove their hearts far from me” -Isaiah (29:19) The Lord look at the heart (samuel 16:7) Take your fleshly love (lust) away and give me the love of your Heart TRUE LOVE THAT MAKE YOU, BUILD YOU IS FROM A CLEAN HEART BUT FAKE LOVE (LUST) THAT HURT YOU, KILL YOU, PUNCH YOU, AND END UP DIVOICED YOU IS FROM A CORRUPT HERART (FLESH). So ask him\her this: NOW YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME, IS IT FROM A CLEAN AND A RENEW HEART OR FROM YOUR CORRUPT OLD HEART (FLESH)? ENOUGH OF HEART BREAK, SHINE YOUR EYES Hallelujah.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:53:32 +0000

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