TRUE Liberty verses Bondage I keep trying to think of better - TopicsExpress


TRUE Liberty verses Bondage I keep trying to think of better and better ways to say the same thing. Over and over I say it and yet I am amazed at getting almost no positive response compared to how many people this goes out to. I know I am a nobody but that should not make one iota of difference as to whether what I say has merit or not. To regard a message from a nobody as less credible than the message of anyone else (or even ones OWN best thinking) IS to respect persons, is it not? What I am setting forth is simple and pure and I believe fully supported and taught throughout the Bible. That is why I am utterly amazed at the lack of positive response! Really I am amazed at the lack of response in general! That seems so evil to me, to not reply when a reply is requested …but maybe that is wrong on my part, yet it does seem evil to me. Quite simply ALL that I have been saying over and over again is that God is totally against the respect of persons. That He will not only will not bless those that do so, but will even blind all that do this so they can not see truth, and will remain in rebellion so long as they keep trusting in man! Yet over and over people will claim I am not trusting in man, I only trust God Well, sense pretty much every Christian is saying this same thing, obviously it is pretty much a lie, yes? The problem, I have found, from my own experience and the chastisement of God (I believe) is that it is too subtle a thing to easily detect in ones walk to know if one is trusting man or not. The reason for this, I think, is that we trust our OWN mind to decide what trust even is! In other words we are trusting a man (our own heart) to DECIDE we are not trusting in man! It is THAT simple, and it is DEADLY! If we would truly ..I mean TRULY be convicted by just TWO simple verses, to TRUST God in them, then perhaps that would be enough that God might turn from blinding a person, to bless him/her with abundant truth they never have before seen or imagined possible! (that HAS been my own experience, unless I have been deceived or am going crazy!) The first simple verse? Prov 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. So simple, so straight forward, yet so overwhelmingly IGNORED by the readers of it! [[Dont most hearers think something like THIS?~~>Oh NO! I am NOT trusting in my OWN heart! I ONLY trust the Bible Dont they/we]] Verse #2 Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. [[ I am guessing that most assume this verse must apply only to ones not saved yet or else maybe I am not sure what that means exactly but I dont think it is anything I need worry about right now]] just a guess based on my own past reception perhaps …BEFORE God convicted me! How could I EVER have claimed that I truly let every man be a liar? because I did NOT do that! I DID prefer one or more men above others! I DID have respect unto the words of an individual far above the words of another! How did I do this RIGHT IN GODS FACE as I heard the word of Romans 3:4? It was SIN is all I can say now! It was SIN to wait on a MAN to tell me what God would have me know! It was SIN to prefer his answers and Scripture references above what another person declared with his or her Scripture references …whether he was right much of the time or not, yet it was SIN and it put me in a place where God would not bless me with understanding! I was blinded by my own rebellion to Gods word! Yes it was subtle, OH so subtle it was! But I WOULD NOT hear/believe and TRUST God! I trusted man over and over again but in Gods command NOT to trust man, I did NOT trust God! Now you can, and statistically probably WILL just entirely blow all this off as not applying to you. What can I do? I cant MAKE you see it! I can not force you to understand if you are lying to God and yourself! For nearly every person I talk to about is SURE they are not trusting a man/men. They are sure they are trusting God. OK OK what can I say? One common thing people have admitted to me, is that while they DO trust a teacher, pastor, priest, rabbi, etc it is different in their case because really they are trusting that God loves them and would not give them a teacher (or pick a title) that would deceive them. AH you see? There it is! RIGHT?? Big as day, Presumptuous SIN…Assuming that I am something special that God makes exception for so that these verses no longer apply…NOT TO ME! But that is a big fat lie…God DOES test ALL that call on Him! He tries the hearts of men to determine if they will trust their OWN heart to believe a lie like that? Or trust HIM and his command NOT to lean on ones OWN understanding…testing to to see will a man Let God be true but EVERY man be a liar? Thats the test…trust my own heart? or ONLY HIM..HIS WORD the Bible above ANY and EVERY other thing….PERIOD! This whole piece I only posted two verses. I could have filled a whole extra page, but if someone will not believe two verses, will 20 more really matter? Please do comment! If I am wrong, then bless me and tell me! I do not want to be in error! Correct me, by all means, please! If you wont heed this and wont reply then what does THAT say? Either say AMEN and cease ye from men, or else correct me! Amen?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 05:17:32 +0000

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