TRUE PERCEPTION – KNOWLEDGE, Paragraph, 5 5 A world forgiven - TopicsExpress


TRUE PERCEPTION – KNOWLEDGE, Paragraph, 5 5 A world forgiven cannot last. It was the home of bodies. But forgiveness looks past bodies. This is its holiness; this is how it heals. The world of bodies is the world of sin, for only if there were a body is sin possible. From sin comes guilt as surely as forgiveness takes all guilt away. And once all guilt is gone what more remains to keep a separated world in place? For place has gone as well, along with time. Only the body makes the world seem real, for being separate it could not remain where separation is impossible. Forgiveness proves it is impossible because it sees it not. And what you then will overlook will not be understandable to you, just as its presence once had been your certainty. I have heard people say that they wish they weren’t here, that they don’t belong here and that they never wanted to be here. I understand that because I used to feel the same way. Well now we know what to do about it. If you think that the world is hell and you want it to disappear, all you have to do is forgive it. Then, poof, it’s gone. That is what forgiveness is. It is the understanding or the awareness that something is not possible. The world I see cannot be possible because it is an effect of the separation belief, and separation is not possible. It is not possible because it was not created by God as an extension of Himself. When I accepted that one obvious fact that I had managed to overlook all my life, that is, only God is real and only His extensions share His reality and everything else is a dream, when I realized that was true, it became easy to tell reality from illusion. I’m going to take a little trip soon and I will be driving through some hills and maybe some small mountains and I feel trepidation at the thought. I have always been very afraid of heights and the fear has gotten worse. The mind says that I must believe in death and I must believe I am a body or I would not be afraid. It makes a kind of sense and I am tempted to believe this and return to defending myself from situations that endanger the body as if it were real. But then I remember that I am not the body because I cannot be the body. The body is temporal and I am eternal being an extension of God Who is eternal. I cannot die and why do I care if an illusion seems to stop? The personality of the character I am identified with in this little story that only seems to be my life is afraid of heights for some reason. The phobia is just part of the story and has no reality and nothing to do with me. It can be useful in helping us wake up to the truth, but usefulness does not imbue it with reality. Maybe this story ends with Myron no longer afraid of heights. Maybe not. The story can be just a story, or it can be the way out of the world all depending on what I want to do with it. My choice lies in whether or not I want to use the story to forgive the world. That is definitely my choice this time. So when I notice fear thoughts about heights I use that as an opportunity to remember the truth. Heights are not real, but are part of the construct of the illusion, part of space which is not real, but just an element, useful only to prove separation. I remember that fear is not real. It is just a thought, a belief. It cannot be real because God is not afraid. If God is not afraid then I cannot be afraid either. Being His extension, I cannot be what God cannot be. So I must not be afraid. I must only be choosing an experience of fear. How odd. I seem to have convinced myself that this is real and since it is real, I, as body/personality, am real. Well I suppose I would have to if I want the experience. It wouldn’t be much of an experience if I didn’t believe it. Odder still is that I can hold onto this fear in the face of what I now know. Perhaps Myron will let it go. We will see. Either way it does not affect the truth of who and what I am. That has been my mistake all along, to look at the world and all the effects of the separation idea and use that criteria to identify myself and to make decisions. I may still be somewhat confused by what I see when I look in that direction, but I cannot ever again really believe it, and I will never again believe I am that, regardless of the feelings that are part of my chosen experience.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:35:50 +0000

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