TRUE RICHES. Riches is in the heart not in the physical things - TopicsExpress


TRUE RICHES. Riches is in the heart not in the physical things we see with our eyes-- Emmanuel Olatunji. Just today, I realise what it is to be truly rich. I know many people believe that those who have amass enough wealth and accumulated enough material things unto themselves are said to be rich, but today, I did like to submit that true riches is in the heart not in the ephemeral things we see with our eyes. I dont want to make this note unnecessarily long, but Id like to share my humble submission with you all. There is a picture that went viral on social network which depicts a young child, who obviously was on his way to school giving alms to a beggar on the street. The picture clearly depicts that the young child was giving out his food or water to the beggar on the street. Until now I never fully grasp the message of that picture. If what that young boy displayed on that picture is not riches, then I dont know what riches is. Whereas, there are many people who have billions of naira in their account today and yet it is pretty difficult for them to give out one naira to those who are in need. For me such people are not rich but poor, and that is why I say, riches is in the heart not in what we see. Jesus was not rich yet myriad of people followed Him, and many are still willing to die for Him today. Though He was not outwardly rich but He was rich on the inside. His riches cannot be compared to the riches of greatest ruler of that time. Inward riches commands outward richness. If you are rich on the inside, the man who is poor on the inside but rich outwardly cannot be compared to you. What is the use of outward riches without inward richness? Inward richness commands outward richness! Majority of us here know the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. Though the Rich man was outwardly rich, but in the end his true nature was revealed; he was a terribly poor man. God called him a fool, he was foolishly rich. I dont want such richness! Though Lazarus barely had what to eat but he was rich on the inside. Many people today strives to be rich outwardly, but I think what we need to strive for is the inward richness. If we are rich on the inside, outward richness will be a minor issue. Throng of people today are rich outwardly, but it is a pitiable thing to say that many of such people are terribly poor. This world is not ruled by those who are rich outwardly, but those who are rich on the inside. Such people are the salt of the earth, irrespective of their status, races, or the amount of material things theyve accumulated, they rule this world. As for me, I will highly revered that child who is willing to sacrifice his lunch for the benefit of others, than the man who has millions and trillions of money in his account and yet find it difficult to help his neighbour. And I rather remain poor outwardly than have outward which I cannot use to help others. Therefore I pray that God shouldnt give me the money I wont be able to use to help others. Amen. This is my humble submission. Good evening to you all... God bless you. Emmanuel Olatunji writes.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:03:17 +0000

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