TRUE WEALTH, REAL WEALTH IS BEYOND MONEY I commend you unto GOD - TopicsExpress


TRUE WEALTH, REAL WEALTH IS BEYOND MONEY I commend you unto GOD and to the WORD of his grace which is able to BUILD you up and to give you an INHERITANCE amongst them that are sanctified..Acts 20;32.. Wao! What a thought to ponder on today. PAUL commended to them above all else. 1. TO GOD.(THE SPIRIT) 2. THE WORD OF HIS GRACE.... He tells us that when your PURSUIT and SPECIALISATION above all else is the relationship with God by his spirit and a LIFE,STEEPED and GROUNDED in the word of his GRACE..You take delivery of your inheritance. You wont struggle for will BUILD you UP...and is able to give you your inheritance amongst them that are sanctified. We cant ESTIMATE in monetary TERMS the VALUE of SPIRITUAL WEALTH, Being RICH in.spiritual virtues. The lack or abundance of them many times can mean either LIFE or DEATH, FAILURE or SUCCESS. They ENTHRONE US in.places where ZILLIONS OF dollars matter not. To me TRUE WEALTH is in these things. You must grow them in your life. LETS CHECK OUT 5REAL WEALTH IN.LIFE..(they are more) 1. DEEP RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. A rich,deep fellowship with the spirit is greater WEALTH than any wealth the WORLD has on offer.To KNOW, to LOVE and to be DEEP enough to be able to HEAR and RECEIVE counsel from GOD on what to do, and how to do things beyond human IMAGINATION is true wealth. How could Moses create all the PLAGUES that humbled Egypt, take Israel accross the sea on dry grounds,rain manna for 40 years and do all those things...a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with God. When we have it,we ENJOY it, but life is DOOM and GLOOM without it... 2. WISDOM. the principal thing,therefore get wisdom.snd with all thy getting get understanding..prov 4;7 Being knowing what and how to do,to doing the humanly impossble things with divine sense in the right way,in the right manner at any time. Its a PRODUCT of the word..2tim.3;15,ps 119;98-. What would have happened if David didnt have the take off GOLIATHS head, if Joseph didnt know how to SAVE the WORLD from.the 7years of deathly farmine.. WISDOM is greater WEALTH, pursue it. 3. KNOWLEDGE. My people are destroyed for lack.of knowledge..Hos 4;6. Fools invest in SUBSTANCE only while the WISE invest in.KNOWLEDGE. Its WEALTH sbove wealth, knowledge of the word, knowldge of bix, ministry, health. When we KNOW, problems are RUBBISHED, Ebola is a problem because we are yet to KNOW the cure, but soon it will be CHICKEN POX, MALARIA, OTHER FEVERS have become. If Eatthly knowledge works like that, then think of SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE born of God, it keeps us in.such realms of liberty and life without limits..Jn 8;32,36. Know the TRUTH and live FREE INDEED, know more truth and enjoy more freedom...KNOWLEDGE is GREATER WEALTH that also births EARTHLY WEALTH. 4. FAITH ..taking unto you the SHIELD of faith wherewith you shall be able to QUENCH all the FIERY.DARTS of the wicked one..Eph 6;16 Imagine Daniel in the Lons den, the 3hebrew boys in the FIRE, Abraham barren and impotent at 99, the widows son DEAD, The SHUNAMITES son dead. All BEYOND the help of SCIENCE, beyond the help of any DOCTOR, But only FAITH DELIVERS in.a realm like that and for them all it delivered them. There is always a PLACE where MONEY FAILS, there FAITH REIGNS.. And many will FACE situations where SCIENCE and MONEY fail and all that can do it is this POWER called FAITH. Cancers, Ebolas, planes about to CRASH, Death doors...FAITH not MONEY delivers, its truly GREATER WEALTH, Its WEALTH beyond the SENSES and you must be RICH in FAITH towards GOD. GOD forbid that we get there and we do not have it enough to answer the SITUATION. A man with $10 has money, but a man with $10 billion has SO MUCH MORE, They BUYING,PURCHASING and OBTAINING power are worlds apart. Faith is spiritual CURRENCY, but are you content with.$10 Size Or will you press into the $10 billion size.. The answer is in.your hand, your decisions,your choices and your commitments. 5..DIVINE RELATIONSHIPS. By this I mean friendships,comnections that are GOD ordained. It could be between PEERS, or between MASTER and DISCIPLE or a MAN of GOD and a PERSON or PEOPLE. Such as ELIJAH to the widow, Elishah to the shunamite, as David to the throne of Saul, as Jesus to the family of Lazarus. As peter james and john, as daniel,shadrach,meshach and Abednego.. And now as YOU and ME. Many times the BLESSINGS,the WISDOM, the COMFORT and the ADVANTAGES held for one another are TRULY far more than money can buy People have made GIANT MISTAKES, been COMSUMED by satan, or COMMITTED SUICIDE for lack of such GODLY connections. Friends that stick closer than a brother, partners in.progress, helpers of joy, that sharpen one another...are God sent Blessings beyond any amount of MONEY could ever represent. We are blessed to know you and its a joy and and honour to run this RACE side by side with you. And we LOVE you ever so dearly. Pst and Pst (Mrs) Abraham Onosedeba. PRAYER. I pray that you may be filled with the spirit of wisdom.and revelation in the knowledge of God so that you may be able to APPROVE, CHOSE the things that are EXCELLENT...more important and give your energy time and money in.their pursuit daily in.Jesus name.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:30:57 +0000

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