TRUMPET CALL 14/6/2013 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and - TopicsExpress


TRUMPET CALL 14/6/2013 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” ~ GENESIS 8:22 HOW DO WE RECLAIM LOST POSITION ? : UNDERSTANDING THE SEED One of the laws of leadership taught by John Maxwell was the E.F Hutton law. E.F Hutton was renowned for his excellence that it is recorded as fact that when he speaks, people listen. Anyone who was from his firm was equally respected as possessing the same qualities that commands the respect and attention to be heard. Maxwell rightly gave the example of people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Graham. He said “When Martin Luther King Jr. was alive.. no matter where or when he spoke, people – black or white – listened. Billy Graham gets a similar kind of respect because of his unquestionable integrity and lifetime of service. For nearly fifty years, his advice has been heeded by world leaders.” Prophet Samuel was also described as such a leader. The hardest part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is playing the part. Every disciple will come under the scrutiny of heaven for good, and from hell for evil. We will be examined to determine whether what we are telling or asking people to do are things we are doing ourselves, and what we are reproving people for doing, that we are not doing them. It is a tricky situation because, as believers our choices are truly limited. This was one of the reasons Jesus said “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” {Matthew 7:1} And at the same time, we cannot continue to pretend that all is well when we know better. However, God will not leave His people without solutions. If we accept them, God is ready to turn the tide in our and His favour to His glory. We need God, and God needs us. Jesus has done His part; He is calling us to do ours. Recently, the Lord showed us that even though we may not know how we participated in most issues we have identified as wrong in our societies or countries, we were part of it. We may not have preached any wrong message, we may not have done wrong things or deliberately practiced falsehood, we may not have engaged in sorcery (black art or secret art), we may not directly have laid hands to ordain people we should not have ordained, we may not have engaged in covetousness and greed that produced recession (which came through spending the future), but, we have friends who did, we fellowshipped with people who did, we are part with everyone who have done such things. It is this “And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it: or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” {1 Corinthians 12:26}. Apostle Paul further wrote “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” {Galatians 6:7}. Who can we truly blame for situations in our societies or countries or the Church ? We are the society, we are the country, we are the Church, no one else. What then is God’s solutions ? Wherever there is darkness, turn on the light ! Whatever we are experiencing is simply harvest of past seeds sown by people in the past governmental administrations, parent etc, us and everyone else. No nation goes into recession without a reason. No divorce without a reason, no bad government without a reason. But if we decide to be the light again and stop pointing fingers at anyone, God will hear us as He heard Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel and Jesus {Please see Isaiah 58:1-14}. If we did not do anything, we have friends or family (natural or spiritual) who did. The safest mode is the repentance mode, this includes everyone. Even the livestock fasted and repented in Nineveh and God heard {Jonah 3:7-10}. Scriptures show us who owns the earth {Psalm 24:1}, who holds all the powers in heaven and the earth {Matthew 28:19}, who uphold all things by the word of His power {Hebrews 1:3}, that the blood of Jesus Christ has made peace to reconcile all things in earth or in heaven {Colossians 1:20}, and where our position is, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus {Ephesians 2:6}. This is indeed a high calling {Philippians 3:14} that comes with high responsibility. Through the greatness of God’s power, and the recovery of our position in God’s economy, God’s enemies will submit and surrender {Psalm 66:3}. The respect and the divine honour that comes with the high calling will be restored. This requires honest soul searching. One of the greatest powers that the enemy exerts on humans is to prevent them from identifying any wrong we may have done, and through this prevent repentance. So we will only see the wrong in others, but never in our approaches. Once he can prevent repentance, he has the power. But repentance the Scriptural way like Daniel’s and Ezra, breaks his hold and gives the blood the power to deliver and the Spirit of God to move. When people whether governmental bodies or unbelievers see the light they will know the difference, when we speak, they will listen again. The spiritual filth in our heavens would have been purged. The same commandment God gave to Adam still holds. This is why Jesus calls us the salt of the earth {Matthew 5:13}. The light of Jesus shone so much that He did not need to remind Zacchaeus of his wicked ways before he repented. Seeking meekness will produce increased fellowship; meekness is attractive to God {Zephaniah 2:3}. Increased fellowship with God will grant us access to divine directives {Psalm 25:9} and will help us identify what we truly need to repent of. For it is written “By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.” {Proverbs 16:6}. And before honour is humility {Proverbs 15:35}. Simon the sorcerer repented at the preaching of Philip {Acts 8:9-24}. Whichever way, there is hope when we still have life, and there is no person or government that God cannot move upon if we sit in our position, not as judges but first as intercessors. God answers righteous sanctified prayers {1 John 5:14}. This is a call also to prayers, and in the process, repentance. May God answer when we pray, Amen ! Have a restful, reflective and wonderful weekend !
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 04:24:36 +0000

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