TRUMPET CALL 2013-07-08 “But in the last days it shall come to - TopicsExpress


TRUMPET CALL 2013-07-08 “But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountains of the house of the LORD shall be established it the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills; and the people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” ~ MICAH 4:1-2 EXPECTANCY CREATES PREPARATION Any lover of the Holy Scriptures can easily sense the perceptible nostalgia whenever God talks about Zion or Jerusalem in His word through His prophets. He talks of His laws and His word and then refers to David and the throne of David {Jeremiah 23:5, Isaiah 9:7}. It would not be so difficult to understand why. David served God wholeheartedly, He gave His all including all we call substance. God loved him and gave him an eternal covenant fulfilled and being fulfilled in Christ Jesus. David proved that God can rule any nation through man. So whenever God want to refer to any righteous government, David is the yardstick. He promised “And speak unto him saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the Man whose name is The BRANCH; and He shall grow up out of His place, and He shall the temple of the LORD: Even He shall build the temple of the LORD; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both {Zechariah 6:12-13} This is talking of Christ’s millennial reign (He did not have any throne the last time He came, neither did He appoint any throne for His apostles, disciples or anyone), but it also prefigures God’s intention to be enthroned in hearts and souls of His people which is being fulfilled. God does not live in temple made with hands {Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:48}. Just as He sent John the Baptist, He has been sending His messengers to prepare for a fresh outpouring. This time, it will be different; no one will be in doubt about who Christ is. But He is saying as He has been calling “Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgement, and do justice: for My salvation is near to come, and My righteousness to be revealed.” {Isaiah 56:1} This is the word, to prepare. He has commanded in His promise “Hearken unto Me, My people; and give ear unto Me, O My nation: for a law shall proceed from Me, and I will make My judgement to rest for a light of the people.” {Isaiah 51:4}. He is sending healing and comfort {Isaiah 51:3, Jeremiah 30:17}, but there must be preparation. When we hear of an impending visit from a King, it will be wise to prepare. We are not saying anything new, only this, the time is nearer than we may think. What or how do we prepare ? Our faith will bring us to the place of repentance which is a precursor to any relationship between God and man, that is, if we have something to repent of. But as God’s people we are enjoined to repent on behalf of everyone that God intends to touch and to heal. This is our role, to keep judgement which is to discern or discriminate between what is right and what is wrong. His judgement will rest for a light. Judgement is separation. God will do the rest. Joy is also a proof that we are preparing. “REJOICE in the LORD, O ye righteous; for praise is comely for the upright.” {Psalm 33:1} Be prepared ! Have a blessed week !
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 01:16:32 +0000

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