TRUST IN GOD’S WAYSStella Dhinakaran He will bless those who - TopicsExpress


TRUST IN GOD’S WAYSStella Dhinakaran He will bless those who fear the LORD-- small and great alike. (Psalm 115:13 ) The Dhinakarans Dearly beloved, King Hezekiah had full trust in the Lord that He would do everything for him. As if to test his faith, the king of Assyria came against him with a great army. Seeing Hezekiah’s unshakable trust, he sent his field commander to him who mocked him saying, "What confidence is this in which you trust? (II Kings 18:19). Falsely judging that Hezekiah was nothing before the king of Assyria and that he would surely be defeated, the field commander ridiculed Hezekiah and made fun of him. But Hezekiah who followed the Lord God and had his whole mind and trust on His ways firmly held on to Him. In the end, we see the Lord giving him victory. After this, the king of Assyria departed and returned home. Dearly beloved, the Lord who protected Hezekiah who had trust on Him is unchanging even today. Do we have such a trust on God that Hezekiah had? – Think a while. Even trivial problems in life make us think in many ways as if we can find solutions which finally confuse us. As a result, quarrels, divisions, strife and problems crop up in our personal and family lives making us shed tears. We falter not knowing what to do. The Bible says, “In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence” (Proverbs 14:26). According to the above verse, be strong and don’t get dejected whatever may be your problems. When you depend fully on Lord Jesus, the loving Saviour who gave up His life on the cross for you and finally took victory over everything, He will fill you with the joy that comes out of His guidance and grant you victory to walk successfully in this world. He is able to bring you out of the horrible pit and the miry clay. He alone is able to set our feet upon a rock, and establish our steps (Psalm 40:2). The mother of Charles Wesley and John Wesley who were mightily used by God, had the habit of placing all the family matters as well as other responsibilities at the feet of God. Before going to bed, she would keep her hands on each one of her children and pray for them. Likewise, every morning, she would rise up early, place her hands on the children, commit all their matters at His feet and then set out to do her household chores. The mother’s trust and faith on God changed all her children into blessed ones and the Lord’s name was glorified through them. The Bible states, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 1:4). Accordingly, what greater joy can parents have than to see their children walking in truth? So let us trust the Lord and commit to Him all the matters such as bringing up our children and their conduct at the time of their youth, running the family etc. Then we shall enjoy the Lord’s abundant blessings. The Bible says, “He will bless those who fear the LORD-- small and great alike” (Psalm 115:13). As mentioned in this Bible verse, God will reward all those who revere his name, both the young and old. He will remember them and increase them a thousand times. Prayer: Loving Lord Jesus, You gave up your life on the cross for me and you and finally took victory over everything. I trust in You and commit my ways to You. I fully depend on You. Guide me to walk in the truth. Protect me and give me victory. Enable me to enjoy your abundant blessings. In Your matchless name I pray. Amen. ----
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:34:49 +0000

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