TRUST ME AND REFUSE TO WORRY, for I am your strength and your - TopicsExpress


TRUST ME AND REFUSE TO WORRY, for I am your strength and your song. You are feeling wobbly this morning, looking at difficult times looming ahead, measuring them against your own strength. However, THEY ARE NOT TODAYS TASKS--OR EVEN TOMORROWS . So leave them in the future and come home to the present, WHERE YOU WILL FIND ME WAITING FOR YOU. Since I AM YOUR STRENGTH, I CAN EMPOWER YOU TO HANDLE EACH TASK AS IT COMES. Because I AM YOUR SONG, I CAN GIVE YOU JOY AS YOU WORK ALONG SIDE ME. Keep bringing your mind back to the present moment. Among all My creatures, only humans can anticipate future events. This abillity is a blessing, but it becomes a curse whenever it is misused. IF YOU USE YOUR MAGNIFICENT MIND TO WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW, YOU CLOAK YOURSELF IN DARK UNBELIEF. However, WHEN THE HOPE OF HEAVEN FILLS YOUR THOUGHTS, THE LIGHT OF MY PRESENCE ENVELOPS YOU. Though heaven is future, it is also present tense. *AS YOU WALK IN THE LIGHT WITH ME, YOU HAVE ONE FOOT ON EARTH AND ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN. Jesus Calling 2 Cor 10:5- We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive everyone thought to make it obedient to Christ. Heb 10:23- Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:41:41 +0000

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