TRUTH BEHIND THE CONCEPT OF PLANET IN VEDIC ASTROLOGY: In Vedic Astrology, there is term Graha- Sanskrit and in English if we translate that so that will become Planet which means - a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star. Meaning in Astrology historical : a celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun), especially with reference to its supposed influence on people and events. From here all controversy starts, everybody become confused, how come a astronomical planet has influence on living being, and if it is accepted but it is impossible to accept that SUN & MOON are Planets and RAHU, KETU ? what the hell those are ? How come an imaginary existence can influence living being ? Now lets see what our Scriptures are saying: What is Graha? : A sloka from Shabda-Kalpadrum: In Sanskrit : Grinhati gati bisheshan yad ba, grinhati fal daatritwena jibaan Meaning: A movable existence who receives and shows all Karma Sangskara of all living being is called Graha. It may be anything may be celestial or non celestial, why ? The word celestial have two way meaning, 1. Astronomical objects and 2. Angels and Seraphs of Heaven. Whatever it can be heaven or hell or astronomical objects according to Classics Graha are those who are Moving means changing its state all the time, not fixed at any state, the state of which will be a constant changing phenomenon and has to have an influence on living beings and objects on earth , because in astrology, earth is the main focus point where we live. The same thing has been supported by another sloka in Brihat Daibagga Ranjan, little bit elaborately, as follows in Sanskrit : prak-karama suchak khaga, kathameshu vukti// prak-karma-vog shamanaio hi vogo muchu// kechittatha durito hrit-jaddwish vaktih// kinno grahavigata eba swa eba bishnuh// Now lets see according to astronomy what is planet ?: A planet (from Ancient Greek (aster planetes), meaning wandering star) is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals. Now lets take the turn towards Astrological view point again: From above astrological discussions we have come to know that, in astrology those are Graha or in translated English planet, who have : 1. Movable or constant changing phenomenon. 2. has influence on living beings. I am not taking other planets, because there is no controversy, everybody accept that without Sun & Moon all are planets, lets talk about Sun & Moon only. Sun: Sun is Moving on its own orbit and it has influence on not only living beings but on other objects also on earth, so according to above rule astrologically, not astronomically it is Graha or planet. here lets see what is the meaning of astronomy : Based on strict dictionary definitions, astronomy refers to the study of objects and matter outside the Earths atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties. But, Astrology or Falit Jyotish only refers to influence of that particular object on the earth, if a particular object has no influence on earth so that wouldnt be called Graha or planet in Astrology, those planets may have chemical and physical properties but it will not take as Planet in astrology, because Vedic Astrology only measure effect not the quantity. Moon: Moon is also moving around the earth and it has its own influence on earth that all we know, so in Vedic Astrology it will be also called Graha or Planet. Rahu & Ketu: Rahu Ketu is the name given to the Nodes of the Moon. Rahu is the North Node and Ketu is the South Node. They are points on the ecliptic where the Moon is in alignment with the Sun and the Earth. Those are called Shadow planet in Vedic Astrology, because when eclipse happen then only those two shadows come into picture, and those each point has its own effect on earth. May be names are same as both in astrologically and astronomically we call in English Planet, but principles are partly different, like, your mother and friends may call you by different names but the person is you, the same. It may happen your mother is following some principles to manage the relationship and friends are following different, but the person is same, that is you. To get some exact results what principles your mother is following that may be illogical to your friends, but the person is same, that is you, So in between Astrology and Astronomy also, both are dealing with the same planets but on different principles. There is a saying many heads, many minds, that is exactly true. But, if after following some principles one true result is coming out so always that would be appreciate-able. So many other things are there, if i write, so, that will become a big book, my knowledge is very limited, I am still learning everyday a new thing, and i would like to be a student throughout my whole life, and when i teach students, i say to them: I am just sharing my knowledge with you what i have got by the grace of almighty, do not take that blindly, always judge, because, accept anything blindly and reject anything blindly both are superstition......
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 12:15:48 +0000

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