TRUTH EXPOSED || Charlie Hebdo Shooting: Signs of a False - TopicsExpress


TRUTH EXPOSED || Charlie Hebdo Shooting: Signs of a False Flag We all need to be ever vigilant and aware in these times. An in-depth analysis on the Charlie Hebdo Shooting event reveals signs that indicated that this shooting was a covert operation. God knows best what time will reveal... Proofs [Inline Video]: Clues, Motives & THE PATSY! ▶ Could the terror attack in Paris be the latest in a long line of state sponsored false flag events? ▶ Was this pay back for France daring to suggest to the world that Palestine be recognised by as a state? ▶ Why were the roads so quiet just after rush hour in central Paris? ▶ Why did we not see the 3rd suspect in any of the images? ▶ Why is there no blood when the police officer is assassinated? ▶ Check out the white wing mirrors on the first car that have mysteriously turned black by the time the car was abandoned. ▶ Well if he was shooting blanks the bullet wouldnt have hit the sidewalk and knocked up concrete dust. ▶ The Intelligence communities abilities are vast and they have the capability many times to mine through data and find the culprits through billions of phone calls and Internet communications. So in order to explain how they found the suspects, instead of revealing the massive spy apparatus they make something up and say they found their I.D.s in the car. Which would be easy for the governments to do by reprinting their I.D.s and presenting them. ▶ So check this out! Apparently the police commissioner who was investigating the Paris attacks commits suicide. Just a coincidence? - ▶ It is alleged that the street in question is the boulevard Richard-Lenoir which runs parallel to the rue Nicolas Appert. But here too there are problems. Why oh why should the assassins go there? They had performed the deed they had set out to execute, so why run all the way down the Allée Verte, which is the connecting street, on the off-chance that there will be a sole policeman there they can conveniently shoot down? ▶ Also, what are those people doing there on the roof? It cant have been the reporters from Charlie Hebdo who escaped to the roof of their building - it is far too far away, and would need them to make death-defying leaps and scale walls to a standard even beyond British SAS forces. Also, think of this. You are a group of jihadists planning an event that you know will change the course of French history. Are you going to turn up there on the off-chance that there will, in mid-morning well past reporting-for-work time, an employee will arrive their with her little girl so that they can force her to punch in the security code? How else would they have got into the offices? The whole thing is indeed a set-up. ▶ All the streets in the area seem to be entirely deserted - in mid-morning on a weekday? Impossible - they simply had not had the time yet to set up police roadblocks. ▶ And another aspect: Today, 40 high ranking leaders of different nations gathered at the march in Paris despite the high alert terror warning still in place which was even re-inforced yesterday. And OPEN STREET march. How plausible is that? And wouldnt you need more time then 3 days to prepare such a high security gathering? This must have been in the making for weeks. ▶ Would western intelligence pose as Muslims and carry out false flag operations to demonize their enemies and justify invading and occupying their enemies nations like Afghnastan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine, etc.. Well, lets looks at the facts, shall we. Western intelligence staging dozens of false flag terrorist attacks throughout Europe over a span of FOURTY YEARS in what was since declassified, admitted Project Gladio: FACT! - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the False Flag Terrorist Attack on Americas USS Liberty: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the false flag terrorist attack against Americans in The Lavon Affair: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the false flag terrorist attack at The Hotel King David: FACT - Israeli caught posing as Muslims and trying to carry out a false flag terrorist attack by blowing up Mexicos congress: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims on 911 in a van packed full of explosives trying to blow up the George Washington Bridge which was reported on by nearly all mainstream media outlets UNTIL they learned they were Israeli to which the story was then black out: Fact - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the terrorist attack that was The Patriarchs Massacre: FACT So, yes, western intelligence could, would, and HAS posed as Muslims to carry out false flag terrorist attacks in their name. In this case, once again, unlike Muslims, the west has the motive, the means, the inside connections, and LONG history of such false flag operations especially being that France just days ago voted to recognize Palestine as a state and are just days away from voting on the UNs draconian, overreaching anti-terror bill. Ask yourself these questions: ▶ Have the governments ever worked for us the people? ▶ Have the people ever had true control over themselves? ▶ Is it all a big conspiracy to create Islamophobia in the world? Its up to the individuals to look at all the evidence from both sides and make a decision from there. From what I have seen the government destroys all the evidence from a crime scene they wish to cover as quickly as they can. The best example would be 9/11 where all the metal from the tower structure was shipped off to china to melt down before and investigation could be made to why the metal structure failed simultaneously in the two buildings struck and tower 7 that had no impact at all? Ask yourself why they transported all this evidence directly from the crime scene to China truck loads after truck load. I could give many more examples but have no time to do so. 7/7 London bombings were 911 days after 9/11. Both these dated the governments were doing drills for the exact same scenarios? What are the chances of that? Let he who be deceived be deceived. Link || https://facebook/video.php?v=877151098973556&l=4703292302888135680
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:59:23 +0000

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