TRUTH ! PLEASE LISTEN PEOPLE ; They are cloud seeding with - TopicsExpress


TRUTH ! PLEASE LISTEN PEOPLE ; They are cloud seeding with powdered aluminum and that not only is making the surface water to acidic for aquatic life (which means fish food) but increasing alt. in humans. This is because of carbons killing clouds. HENRY FORD proved that fuel made from the blood of this earth ( oil ) made them. That is why he made cars from and ran from HEMP in 1942 when the government grew it for the war. They have used cannabis to keep it illegal for so long that I had to step forwards to show the world THC heals brains ! Maui could grow its own fuel to provide power, build houses with hempcrete, that way becoming the first CARBON NEGATIVE FOOT PRINT ON EARTH ~ PEACE WORLD ~ ~ THEY MIGHT PUT ME IN PRISON, BUT IT WILL BE BECAUSE I CAN MAKE GOLD ! PUT ME IN PRISON FOR ME HEALING MY BRAIN ? WAKE UP WORLD ! The HUMANS must shift from living on earth to becoming PEOPLE living with earth ! It took me getting brain damage so bad that it killed me 3 times and am just now realizing I am very intelligent ! WAKE-UP ! I had someone at PCHgames call me an IDIOT because I said copper formed GOLD ! THE USA COULD BE DEBT FREE ! THE WORLD CAN BE HEALED ! NOW THAT I REACHED 50, DIED 3 TIMES........ HUMANS NEED TO WAKE UP AND HOPE IT DOES NOT TAKE WHAT IT TOOK ME ! When I died I was judged ! THAT IS WHY HE RETURNED ME ! I am NOT going to try to lay claim to what GOD did ! Just because I figured out how GOLD was formed does not give me that right. I only know this because HE informed me in meditation ! It is this simple, long ago there was a meteor shower that lasted so long and darkened the sky. That killed the DINOES off. The NON-MAGNETIC METEORITES WHEN THEY MAKE CONTACT WITH MOLTEN COPPER MAKES GOLD ! The volcanoes made the copper molten. There is a molecular change that takes place and can explode if you dont know what you are doing. I know this because I have made some, had it explode and burn me. ~ The only reason I know all this is because THC healed my brain damage enough to become GODS ALCHEMIST ! ~ THERE IS AN IDIOT BUT I ONLY HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE ~
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:13:30 +0000

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