TRUTH TODAY FROM WALLY NINNEMAN MINISTRIES- When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time, He said to him, Do you want to be made well? Dear child of the loving and living God, God knows your circumstances whether physical or emotional. Some have been bound for a very long time. Through the blood of His Son, He was wants each and every one of to be free and whole this very day! Look at Proverbs 18:14 with me. Getting a revelation of this verse and applying by its truth by faith will set you free TODAY! THE SPIRIT OF A MAN WILL SUSTAIN HIM IN SICKNESS. Here is the point of total healing and release from any circumstances in which you and I are bound. YOUR SPIRIT AND MY SPIRIT IS NOT NOR IS IT BOUND BY ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! It is our bodies. AS WE FEED OUR SPIRITS ON THE LIVING WORD OF GOD, OUR RECREATED SPIRITS WILL SUSTAIN OUR BODIES. Sustain in the Hebrew means to maintain, nourish, hold up, protect, provide for, support and to supply the means for living! We need to focus on feeding our sprits the truth of Gods word and our spirits will sustain our bodies! WOW! Now back to Jesus in John 5:8. What happened? Jesus is saying the same thing to us TODAY that He said to the lame man that day. RISE, TAKE YOUR BED, AND WALK! BE FREE, BE WHOLE, TODAY IN JESUS NAME! WE LOVE YOU WITH THE WONDERFUL NAME OF JESUS! WALLY&JAN
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:18:00 +0000

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