TRUTHAGE:What is God? God in short is the Derogative term of an - TopicsExpress


TRUTHAGE:What is God? God in short is the Derogative term of an Interactive Simulation within Nature we call Consciousness of this Ghost Thought form Ether(666), which functions in us and all around us we knew before and called Nature/Neteru(9). It is not an Sky Daddy, or if you then call it such, what about a Sky Mommy, but those who are forced to recognize that God(Nature) is only some Father, Daddy, Comic Book He-God, are trained to suppress the Divine Mother Principle and Natural Occurrences they call miracles as some Invisible Man in the sky. Are we this dismembered in our brain that we only accept the concept of God as only a Father? How be it you have a Family, a Mother and Father, but you never once given the thought to accept that IT IS POSSIBLE an always was Possible and working for us that God is also a Woman. We call her Mother Nature. God is a title, NOT A NAME, which means the Natural functions which are Governed over us. Isnt the Sun Over us All, Isnt it the MOST HIGH of ALL THINGS in our daily perception. When Nature is referred to as God, it carries a functioning simulation some called Almighty, God of Gods, etc in Nubian History it is Neter, Naturu, Naturaat, the Naturater of all. Lets go deeper into this Derogative term that is used to circumvent our natural way of thinking. GOD Etymologically means Ghost, which is the Death of All Spiritual, Mental, Physical Deaths aka 6 Ether(666). Nubians do not worship this Subliminal death Ghost God as it is not the Neural Essence which makes us up 9 Ether Sentient Beings. The truth which they dont tell you is that, it was THE SUN which grew and manifest us from its Emanating Nine Ether Fires from its self. This is simply and easily proven as the only truth which have been STANDING BY IT SELF as much as most of us are lost in there Systems, they call us the BLACK RACE. The Nubian Ptahite Race(AFRIKANS) is the Truth of the Sun which we are Emanating with as the I (9/POWER) in YOU (SUN/ETHER), The I AM That I AM, we are the most powerful race by nature, no matter where we breathe, perceive, and our touch. We are the Descendants of the Suns of Nature in its Strength. Nature is the cure to all Ether(AFRIKAN) Beings. It is He(Sun) who made Us, It is the Light of the World, Its is the Alpha and the Omega. Its Our Beginnings an so Their Ends. Now that you have a short background on the Title God, the question becomes why did they give us that Negative Thought form Egregore Entity to change our Consciousness? Why did they program your subconscious that thought form to always call on it? To answer that, This is a necessary evil, because they are running out of time, this evil, gives them the power to force us to serve them with the veils of what they give you call God. This Frankenstein Entity is loosing its power, because we are the Cosmic conductors to this Cosmo being awakened again. No more shall they control us with that Slavery System. THE DEAD IN CHRIST HAVE RISE. The Sun is coming back in its strength again, because we are starting to awaken, the more of us become awake to our true self, this powers the Sun, and its Power in turn is Emanated to you. It is important you get all the juice of the Sun flowing in your Spiritual Meridians. People going around calling things God because their life and brains are backwards in this thought form negative 6 Ether Ghost Egregore entity because of miss guided teachings. Does GOD < > DOG Bliss you? Our is it that Nature/Neteru sees the Symptoms of your pains, and the grownings of your soul, weighed your virtues if they be pure in the balances in its Wombs, to Bliss you. This is called the Intentions of a Pure Heart(a Soul Growning to reconnect back with your Neter/Neteraat) Mother, they may have twisted your Brains, and beating you into a never ending Death Cycle, but nothing which they do will stop the Power which animates you and I in this Existence... It is time you remember when you was One with the Super Natural around you(SuperAn Enhanced Anomaly that is natural -Natural +/Natural occurring things in nature ) This God /Dog Subliminal Ghost thought form is the Author of your Confusion and a Glitch in your Consciousness. This God Anglo-Saxon word is also Gott, which also means Goat. This is because those tribes called Mankind(EUROPEANS), not Nubian Kind, our 9 Mind, they was worshiping deities as a Goat, a stag or a Bull, or any horned animal, you see this also in the Hebrew, it why they call it Torah < Tor means Bull, and so one their chief deities EL, Now -Ah, Yah/Jah, Allah comes from the Idea of the Moon, Saturn and Sky, They been hiding the Feminine Principle of Mother nature behind Male Deities. A -RA(Sun) -bic root is (R-H-M) Rahem R-H-M: means womb, this is why Muslims worship the Yoni(VAGINA), (The Black Ka -Ba Stone) In Mother Natures Season(Cycle) at her Geo location where they dwell, In essence Nature has many Religions Menstrual(Men(agreeable or disagreeable beings) -STRU(to cause/force) -AL tides) Cycles of Her Nature in certain Locations to balance her nature, or if forced her Cycles ... Due to the Travesty of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hebrewisms, the very Goat symbol of their God is now the Symbol of what they call Satan. This was to hide the fact that at their Romanic periods, that is what they was worshiping, but to cover up their sins, they create another thought form Egregore entity with their original schemes to sway the Karmic truth that was exposing them. Even Depictions in Michael Angelou paintings shows also Jesus, Moses and several others with an Horn, this is to say they know who their top Greek God Pantheons were. So we ought to as Nubians/Ethiopions change our way of thinking back to Right reason, Right Truth, Sound Right Existence that Emanates us here into this Womb. With no further due, this God as said is an Interactive Neural Interface interpreted by our brain waves within our awareness, through their subliminal programing duality that is going on inside of you. This interface is why any beings can synchronize with you, to speak in you. What am saying is that this God construct that is programming many of you, is the Egregore thought form interface Ether(6) Entity that is causing many of us to not reach to our full potential, our direct connection to the All around Us. Until we see pass the Edge of the Ledge, we will lack knowledge... Remove this Glitch in your consciousness, the first rule in any discipline is to inner-stand what you are within, rather who, then Identify within your self your flaws as these flaws are the reflection of this God construct you see in your own paradigm. It is the same reason why you cant distinguish the taste of animals, cause you all called them chickens, do you now see how this messes with your Cosmic CPU. Quarantine these bugs that is within you, and may the grace of truth find you well, to all my Anubian Queens, and Nubian Kings. Ashe Ra Nuk in Amen ~ Anthos El Maat Ra [#theankhlife]
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:08:36 +0000

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