TRUTHS AND GUMBO. #040614. Shall we stop the blame game? This - TopicsExpress


TRUTHS AND GUMBO. #040614. Shall we stop the blame game? This is somewhat of an open letter to those of you who wonder if they should be my friends. And with all due respect. This is a brief interruption in my political sabbatical. I previously talked about how sick I felt watching the news. Both sides of the aisle irrate me. Im a progressive when it comes to most of the social issues we face as a Nation. But I dont like fanaticism. And the progressive aisle has it share of fanatics as much as the conservative aisle. Preaching to people to go to the center is like preaching in the desert. So I wont, just like I wont try to convert you to atheism and agnosticism.I am for a strong American Military and an aggressive approach to the world paradigm on a preventive basis. Why? because a strong American Military will protect our Freedoms and our economic prosperity. And our allies will benefit from it. I support Israel unconditionnally because it is a progressive moral obligation if one believes in equality for women, Gays, ethnic and religious minorities. Supporting the so-called [P]alestinians is a show of either ignorance or downright anti-Semitism. In fact the Israeli-Arab Islam conflict is the most determining factor of the future of the planet. I consider Islam to be an ennemy just as much as Fascism, Nazism and Communism. Islam is 90% ideology, 10% religion. In the end I dont fight in any of the two political paradigms, left nor right. And as much as I am confident and convinced of being right in the sense of being correct, it is a very uncomfortable position to be in. Luckily, I dont give a damn of what most people think of me. If they agree with me, great! If they dont they simply can go somewhere else. I dont consider my positions to be extremist in any ways or manners. I make sense. I am logical and intellectually honest. Sure, my language sometimes can be harsh, but its a posture. I use it to provoke reactions and it usually works. Is that pretentious and arrogant on my part to say such things? I dont care. I wear my opinions on my sleeve. But in the mean time I see that most people are engaged in a blame game. Liberals blame Conservatives, Conservatives blame Liberals: its always someone elses fault. So Im asking everybody to look at themselves in the mirror and ask: really?Im asking for a complete collective unmasking. Stop blaming the other one. Let us take a deep collective breath and exhale slowly. If blame has to be found, let us all blame ourselves collectively. Im at fault, youre at fault. This OUR fault. Were all F*****G idiots. And if you didnt get the irony in this last sentence, oh well! Maybe you dont belong here.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 16:57:15 +0000

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