TRY TO WEAR THE PROPER HIJAB: MAY ALLAH MAKE IT EASY Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem The ideal thing is to wear the hijab that is not so tight to the extent of revealing the shapes of the covered body or hair. When you put on a piece of clothe that reveals the shapes of your chest, back, ass and the hips, you are not wearing hijab, you are only making a mockery of it. If your hijab is transparent, it would defeat the purpose of hijab in Islam. Then, anything that would draw the attention of the non mahrams like perfume, lips stick or designs on the piece of clothe being used as hijab should be avoided. The definition of the proper hijab is clear in the provisions of the Quran and Sunnah. But shaitan, our greatest enemy leads some people to invent wrong hijabs in the name of fashion. It must be noted that hijab is not a fashion so to say. It is a form of ibaadah. Any woman who wears it properly would have contributed to the promotion of decency in the society and would get great reward from Allah. It is funny sometimes when you advise some sisters on the importance of hijab; they say some sisters who wear hijab are not good in character. Tor, my usual reply is that; you try to put it on being the commandment of Allah, and try to be of good character. Yours would be double reward. What many of our sisters dont understand is that; hijab is a command from Allah (Q33:59), good character is also a command from Allah (eg Q2:82). There is virtually nowhere Allah would talk about eeman (sound faith) without following it up with amalus soolihaat (good deeds). In fact, the use of hijab in itself is a good deed. All acts of obedience to Allah and His Apostle, sollaLohu alaihi wasallam are good deeds. Although, it is most likely to find anyone who is good in character to use hijab and anyone who uses hijab to be of good character, the fact remains that both of them are different rules of Allah. They only overlap when they are broken down into pieces. I wonder what can be more of good character than obedience to the dictates by Allah and His Apostle, sollaLohu alaihi wasallam. So, the activities of those who wear the hijab without good character is not a valid justification for any sister to hate hijab or not to use it as prescribed because the basis of hijab in the Kitab wa Sunnah is crystal clear. The practice of wearing an hijab that reveals the kind of trousers wore under is so rampant in our society. This should be properly checked. Some people wear just small piece of cloth on a mini skirt and call it hijab. The proper hijab is for you to cover from head to toes with a piece of cloth different from the dress you put on because the scholars consider your dress as forming part of the definition of zeenah (adornments) as mentioned in Q24:31. It is understandable that some sisters have just started trying their best in this regard. Islam does not forbid gradual process. But at least, the way to start is by allowing the piece of clothe pass the kneel whereby only very little parts of your dress or skirt would show. And very importantly, the scholars have maintained that for the solaat of a woman to be valid; she must ensure that the piece of cloth is long enough to cover her body including the feet. If it is not long enough to cover the feet; you can wear socks to cover the remaining parts. When Sheikh Nasruddeen Al-alabaaniy was asked a relevant question, he said; “It is not permissible for her to pray with her feet uncovered, indeed it is not allowed for her to walk in the streets with her feet uncovered, because the feet are part of the `awrah of a woman based on Allaah’s (`azza wa jal) Saying: {And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment} (Q24:31).... In this manner, the jilbaab of the Muslim woman at the time of the revelation of the above-mentioned verse: {to draw their outer garments (jilbaabs) close upon themselves} used to cover the feet since the socks that are widespread nowadays among both women and men were not widespread at that time. The woman used to cover her shins and feet with the long jilbaab that resembles the `abaayah. Therefore it is not permissible for a Muslim woman to uncover her feet while she is on the street, and it is even more impermissible for her to pray with her feet uncovered.” [silsilat ul-hudaa wa nnoor 697/3-4 / asaheeha translations] If our women wear the niqob or the proper hijab; the rate of moral decadence in our society would reduce to a large extent. May Allah, subhanahu wataala make this easy for our sisters.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:03:06 +0000

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