TSYDYPOV TSYRENDORZHIEV, WRITER, JOURNALIST RAISES A QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION. WE BURYATS OR IVANA, NOT REMEMBERING RELATIONSHIP ... 23.10.2013 , by Намжилма Бальжинимаева Posted in Culture , Literature , News DSCF9868The final impetus for writing these notes was the interview given to the newspaper Inform policy our wonderful Buryat singer Chinggis Radnaeva. In this talk, he bluntly said that we are all talking Buryats in Russian, why can not speak Russian in the Buryat? In addition, one of the national languages of the Republic of Buryatia? And so, as correctly noted by Genghis Radnaev, why Buryat language is not completely true to equalize the rights to our other official language really is. thus legitimize the study of the Buryat language all citizens who live and work in the territory of the Republic of Buryatia legal or by-law . Such thoughts came to me in the past with surprising regularity. But I had sincerely believed that such a statement would be too loud. But after a time I became convinced that such an approach is becoming louder and more correct, if we keep in mind the true state of the Buryat language at this time. Because, if we do not address this question, we can not catch the last train. People who call themselves natural Buryats are not necessary to speak about the plight of our language on the kitchen level, or at all to pretend that nothing out of the hands of the ordinary happens. Thus, we can lose their language, which carried our ancestors through a great many obstacles and difficulties, koi fell especially small nations. If we do not start our immediate action to revive the Buryat language, we can far too late. In this case, the matter should be put to the state level, and that decisions are taken by the Government of the Republic of Buryatia and the administrations of districts, urban and rural settlements. These government agencies must take their decisions under its strict control. An important role in this regard can play and the federal government . Before we start talking about the essence of the question is concerned, is already specifically, we should probably touch briefly on the history of this issue. After all, the beginning of all misfortunes befall our language, originated with the early years of the Soviet regime, when committed by a variety of ill-conceived, destructive actions and simply shameless experiments in the language of a naroda.V primarily Communists conducted an experiment with our alphabet when we already had their own written language, that is old Mongolian cursive. At first it was the right decision to transfer the Buryat language to Latin. But then, what is not clear is breaking the rules of the language begins to settle, the Buryat language is translated into Cyrillic, thus causing ruthless, irreparable, considerable damage to the phonetic, morphological structure and vocabulary of the Buryat language. Because of all the other language-old Mongolian, Latin most complete approach Buryat language in almost all forms. Then began the incomprehensible mess with the literary language. First, those made songolsky dialect. Then, perhaps, genuinely correcting the error, the standard language declared Horinsky dialect. Thus, songolsky dialect now and then say only about ten percent of the drill, and even Tsakayev, was replaced last Horinsky hakayuschim dialect close all language dialects of the Buryat language. But still this is quite innocent leapfrog caused irreparable damage, which makes itself felt today, causing confusion in the minds of the people and not allowing them to finally close together in their struggle for their native language. Those who offered songolsky dialect as a literary language, apparently meant quite innocent target closer to the Mongolian Buryat language. But it is very doubtful event. After all, in the nineties of the twentieth century, this issue was raised and hard to exaggerate. Again, to the detriment of the Buryat language ... In these cases, the perfect ignorance in this matter showed the party of power of the Soviet state. In the future, the Buryat language developed successfully. The newly created language of fiction, and it should be noted that this was the founder patriarch of the Buryat literature Khotsa Namsaraev, so other groundless pretensions, language of business, very successfully translated literature in Russian, books and other scholarly works on the Buryat language. Thus, the then children have a full opportunity to teach all subjects, except the Russian, the native language. But this situation is not happy to see, especially the party power. Beginning in the late fifties, began a variety of encroachments into local languages. First of all, the campaign to introduce into the minds of the common people of malicious opinion that it is necessary first of all to study the Russian language to children successfully pursued higher education and, as a consequence, the output in this case - like the native language is not necessary! Thus, starting somewhere in the early sixties of the last century, most parents Buryat nationality voluntarily began to bring their children by the hand in the so-called Russian classes. Ive seen it with my own eyes and heard many parents admonished their children, Buryat language you do not need it! Good study Russian language and think about going to college! But not all the same! It seems appropriate to make one note. This example shows that if the people did not wish it, his language can not be destroyed! And here it turns out that our people are very desired and did everything to their mother tongue got in the current peak condition ... Here, of course, the most important and plays a big role the family as the most fundamental unit of society. It should strengthen and develop the data from their mothers milk feelings as clarification of himself I bore! Families should play the most important role in the revival and further development of the language. But, when at least one parent or belmesa the Buryat, this task seems almost impossible. In fact, it turns out, we need to teach both children and parents! Because of the Buryat language learning should start with the family. Our scientists need to find effective methods of this very important matter. This important fact will play one of the most important roles of the primary training manuals. Such as the Russian-Buryat conversation, purely based on real-life situations. I recently saw the Anglo-Russian-Buryat phrasebook, and I appreciated, of course, this work, but very very angry. We must be the authors of the textbook in the first place to think about their own language. If a similar Russian-Buryat phrase issue we have in sufficient quantities and that it is widely life situations, it would be great. Maybe then some bore who does not understand and does not speak the language, would be engaged in and remembered to at least one or more words in a day - that would be a small but significant victory! Then, when in the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, the Bureau of the Buryat Regional Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution pounding Buryat language is a dead end, and further into oblivion. But my already bent and kinked in the twists and turns of the Revolution, the Civil and Great Patriotic wars obedient people aloud anything and does not express its attitude to this, in fact momentous issue. Sorry ... After lessons Buryat language equated the rights of the lessons of drawing, singing and physical education. Here, for the sake of the truth should probably notice the completely servile role of the Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party, but the excessive zeal of its leaders in the implementation of the directives sent down from the top, just still disappointing. Unsigned by the Central Committee of the CPSU at the all important cases it was impossible to pull the so-so, even the bad air! So hands Buryat Regional Party Committee and other organizations set up to implement its important decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU religiously continued to enforce the party line to create a single Soviet people and to other nations forced to take measures above mentioned territorial, regional and district committee of the Communist Party. Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party after its decision very promptly sent to the aimags Buryatia emissaries who were fire and sword to bring to the regional committee of each major decision. At the same time revealed the mettle of each employee according to their conscience and understanding of the consequences of this decision, if it is brought to an end. But I have not heard that among them were those who expressed their opposition to the controversial decision in fact. The main thing that surprises me - is how quickly the Bolsheviks were able to crush the pride and honor of my freedom-loving people? After all, while we have not heard a single case of disobedience, not even a whisper could be heard in the vast ethnic Buryat ... It is in times like these is detected after the indomitable spirit people, its viability. At that time I was too young. And then I know that at a meeting conducted by the regional committee of the Communist Party on the discussion solutions of Party Committee, very clearly and categorically stated that his negative attitude to the decision only Tsyrendulma Tsyrenovna Dondogoy and some other cultural and art . Unfortunately, I do not know their names. At that time only a few participants in the meeting knew that launched a direct attack on the existence of the Buryat language. And in my home Kizhinginsky aimag emissary, and quite zealous, was Lev Pohosoev. he is in all small and big villages aimag held meetings at which, as a true party man and indomitable, implemented the solution, which has set the beginning of the beginning of the decline and degeneration Buryat language. At a time when having a meeting in which took part one, two people of other nationalities, in an instant all the Buryats became Russian. This nation was perceived as top-down directive by someone. Apparently, it was. The bus and tram, the club and the shop when two drill began to speak in his own language, the former or the former with the people of Russian nationality rather shamelessly admonished: Stop it speak the Buryat! Talk to everyone to understand! Which elicited a very low level of human culture. In this case, the general culture, had not yet lost the Buryats, has served to them a disservice. Similar cases in that time have become the rule. Such also served an important role in the fall of the Buryat language. Thus, we must reluctantly admit that it all started over a deepening crisis since the second half of the seventies of the last century, the general condition of the Buryat language, especially its teaching. Its getting worse and more accepted in many formal. I was dismayed to see as the deterioration of the language is not being solid, everyday, purposeful work, and limited formal singular events where more hype and advertising authorities and its individual members are responsible for language. So what about the current state of language can not speak without tears. And so too here to talk about the general fundamental study of language, literature. Accordingly, the ground staff or something ... At least the new Dorzhiev Tsydypovyh, Amogolonovyh, Radnaeva, Mahatovyh, Dugarnimaevyh, Naydakovyh, Tudenovyh on this dark horizon is not visible. In general, the deterioration of the language shallow all that accompanies it ... In this case, seeing such a common condition, entered the practice of seeing the best staff to retire, yet oh! How can do a good job of their mother tongue. From them, it would be more useful than those who sit at their home place and just work may simply stating the fact of the degeneration of language, which they in fact feeding them and do not make any unnecessary body movements, at least, budirovaniyu this issue ... I am here to give you one example of a scientist who has agreed to the fact that a writer who became famous for wide image brought the Communists, had called a maverick. Or she called it that way according to the current reality? Yes! Unknown ways in which the human mind is moving! Well, lets start talking about their proposals and reflections ... Buryat language is actually equated with the Russian language as the state language of the Republic of Buryatia. In this case, separation of nationality should not be. Thus, all residents of the Republic of Buryatia should and must learn the Buryat language. In the future, everyone who is accepted into the civil service must take the exam on knowledge of the Buryat language, down to the improvement of the general state of the language. It is necessary to carefully select newspapers, magazines and other publications that accompany the development and revival of the Buryat language and put them on the federal provision. restless and dashing to the nineties of the last century, raised the question of determining the titular nations in all regions of the Russian Federation. Over a short time, this is an important In my view, the question commonly exaggerate, but soon died. It is necessary to revive the issue and yet, especially in the national republics, oblasts, districts, introduce the concept of the titular nation. Among these recognize the aboriginal people of the area and the people make up the majority in the region. Should be adopted federal law on the subject . Yet this is not important. We should also conduct daily broad effort to revive our native language. Once again, we note that today the air need books to read at various levels, guidelines and manuals for individual language learning. But a more difficult question of frames to organize and lead the grunt work on the study of language. Now, when in the BSU study at a fraction of students of the future teachers of the Buryat language than trainees Evenki. It becomes clear and understandable why the Buryat language for some time are treated as not promising. This reduction is already taking a frightening trend. Why this is so? Apparently, it is appropriate to say that the training of teachers on the Evenk language has a solid backup in the form of federal money ... It certainly has a big, important value. Moreover, the number of willing and able to explore the Buryat language year-on-year decline in arithmetic progression. At the Faculty of Buryat basically get those high school graduates who were not able to go to other more prestigious in their view, BSU and other higher education institutions. What can be expected from such a good future teachers of the Buryat language? I just wanted the average score on the exam, coming in Buryat faculty, compared with the CSE coming to other schools. And just know that the comparison is not in favor of the Buryat language ... Here it is worth to say that the conduct of the noisy and somewhat pompous activities having more fleeting in nature, you can not get something big. What is the use of dictation, which seem to show that with the Buryat language is all right. Success can be achieved only as a result of daily and relentless work. Without this it will shock the air, and the result will be zero. While I often come across such opinion, that our language all right. Like, the descendants of Genghis Khan can never lose your tongue. This was at a large gathering of people at the party the memory of one of the poet categorically told me a respected cultural figure. This, of course, the other extreme. In our struggle for the revival of the language a big role can and should play the inhabitants of rural areas, which are more or less retain the Buryat language. Just need to carefully find and bring to this fight their covert capabilities. More should be said about another example. Im talking about shenehenskih Buryatia, which more than a half billion-China managed not only to survive but also to preserve and develop their own language and to remain a separate ethnic group with their own language. And, the time from the beginning of their isolation from the rest of the ethnic Buryat, was rabzhuun more than ... They have to do a prime example of great and useful service to our struggle. You should carefully study this phenomenon is not afraid to say so, shenehenskih drilled. It should also work more closely with the Buryats living in Mongolia. Here is another example, which I was pleased and delighted. The son of my good friend Igor Nikolaevich Danilov, tired of the fact that his friends accused him of other nationalities because of ignorance of the native language, taught himself not only Buryat language, but along the way Mongolian and Kalmyk ... While he was studying Chinese language in China. Here is another one the clearest example of how we can get out of this nosedive ... In Soviet times, there was a view that the study of more than two languages tired students. Actually the person who owns many languages, has over the most broad-minded and full of knowledge. It is an indisputable fact! Civil and Great Patriotic wars obedient people aloud anything and does not express its attitude to this, in fact momentous issue. Sorry ... After lessons Buryat language equated the rights of the lessons of drawing, singing and physical education. Here, for the sake of the truth should probably notice the completely servile role of the Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party, but the excessive zeal of its leaders in the implementation of the directives sent down from the top, just still disappointing. Unsigned by the Central Committee of the CPSU at the all important cases it was impossible to pull the so-so, even the bad air! So hands Buryat Regional Party Committee and other organizations set up to implement its important decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU religiously continued to enforce the party line to create a single Soviet people and to other nations forced to take measures above mentioned territorial, regional and district committee of the Communist Party. Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party after its decision very promptly sent to the aimags Buryatia emissaries who were fire and sword to bring to the regional committee of each major decision. At the same time revealed the mettle of each employee according to their conscience and understanding of the consequences of this decision, if it is brought to an end. But I have not heard that among them were those who expressed their opposition to the controversial decision in fact. The main thing that surprises me - is how quickly the Bolsheviks were able to crush the pride and honor of my freedom-loving people? After all, while we have not heard a single case of disobedience, not even a whisper could be heard in the vast ethnic Buryat ... It is in times like these is detected after the indomitable spirit people, its viability. At that time I was too young. And then I know that at a meeting conducted by the regional committee of the Communist Party on the discussion solutions of Party Committee, very clearly and categorically stated that his negative attitude to the decision only Tsyrendulma Tsyrenovna Dondogoy and some other cultural and art . Unfortunately, I do not know their names. At that time only a few participants in the meeting knew that launched a direct attack on the existence of the Buryat language. And in my home Kizhinginsky aimag emissary, and quite zealous, was Lev Pohosoev. he is in all small and big villages aimag held meetings at which, as a true party man and indomitable, implemented the solution, which has set the beginning of the beginning of the decline and degeneration Buryat language. At a time when having a meeting in which took part one, two people of other nationalities, in an instant all the Buryats became Russian. This nation was perceived as top-down directive by someone. Apparently, it was. The bus and tram, the club and the shop when two drill began to speak in his own language, the former or the former with the people of Russian nationality rather shamelessly admonished: Stop it speak the Buryat! Talk to everyone to understand! Which elicited a very low level of human culture. In this case, the general culture, had not yet lost the Buryats, has served to them a disservice. Similar cases in that time have become the rule. Such also served an important role in the fall of the Buryat language. Thus, we must reluctantly admit that it all started over a deepening crisis since the second half of the seventies of the last century, the general condition of the Buryat language, especially its teaching. Its getting worse and more accepted in many formal. I was dismayed to see as the deterioration of the language is not being solid, everyday, purposeful work, and limited formal singular events where more hype and advertising authorities and its individual members are responsible for language. So what about the current state of language can not speak without tears. And so too here to talk about the general fundamental study of language, literature. Accordingly, the ground staff or something ... At least the new Dorzhiev Tsydypovyh, Amogolonovyh, Radnaeva, Mahatovyh, Dugarnimaevyh, Naydakovyh, Tudenovyh on this dark horizon is not visible. In general, the deterioration of the language shallow all that accompanies it ... In this case, seeing such a common condition, entered the practice of seeing the best staff to retire, yet oh! How can do a good job of their mother tongue. From them, it would be more useful than those who sit at their home place and just work may simply stating the fact of the degeneration of language, which they in fact feeding them and do not make any unnecessary body movements, at least, budirovaniyu this issue ... I am here to give you one example of a scientist who has agreed to the fact that a writer who became famous for wide image brought the Communists, had called a maverick. Or she called it that way according to the current reality? Yes! Unknown ways in which the human mind is moving! Well, lets start talking about their proposals and reflections ... Buryat language is actually equated with the Russian language as the state language of the Republic of Buryatia. In this case, separation of nationality should not be. Thus, all residents of the Republic of Buryatia should and must learn the Buryat language. In the future, everyone who is accepted into the civil service must take the exam on knowledge of the Buryat language, down to the improvement of the general state of the language. It is necessary to carefully select newspapers, magazines and other publications that accompany the development and revival of the Buryat language and put them on the federal provision. restless and dashing to the nineties of the last century, raised the question of determining the titular nations in all regions of the Russian Federation. Over a short time, this is an important In my view, the question commonly exaggerate, but soon died. It is necessary to revive the issue and yet, especially in the national republics, oblasts, districts, introduce the concept of the titular nation. Among these recognize the aboriginal people of the area and the people make up the majority in the region. Should be adopted federal law on the subject . Yet this is not important. We should also conduct daily broad effort to revive our native language. Once again, we note that today the air need books to read at various levels, guidelines and manuals for individual language learning. But a more difficult question of frames to organize and lead the grunt work on the study of language. Now, when in the BSU study at a fraction of students of the future teachers of the Buryat language than trainees Evenki. It becomes clear and understandable why the Buryat language for some time are treated as not promising. This reduction is already taking a frightening trend. Why this is so? Apparently, it is appropriate to say that the training of teachers on the Evenk language has a solid backup in the form of federal money ... It certainly has a big, important value. Moreover, the number of willing and able to explore the Buryat language year-on-year decline in arithmetic progression. At the Faculty of Buryat basically get those high school graduates who were not able to go to other more prestigious in their view, BSU and other higher education institutions. What can be expected from such a good future teachers of the Buryat language? I just wanted the average score on the exam, coming in Buryat faculty, compared with the CSE coming to other schools. And just know that the comparison is not in favor of the Buryat language ... Here it is worth to say that the conduct of the noisy and somewhat pompous activities having more fleeting in nature, you can not get something big. What is the use of dictation, which seem to show that with the Buryat language is all right. Success can be achieved only as a result of daily and relentless work. Without this it will shock the air, and the result will be zero. While I often come across such opinion, that our language all right. Like, the descendants of Genghis Khan can never lose your tongue. This was at a large gathering of people at the party the memory of one of the poet categorically told me a respected cultural figure. This, of course, the other extreme. In our struggle for the revival of the language a big role can and should play the inhabitants of rural areas, which are more or less retain the Buryat language. Just need to carefully find and bring to this fight their covert capabilities. More should be said about another example. Im talking about shenehenskih Buryatia, which more than a half billion-China managed not only to survive but also to preserve and develop their own language and to remain a separate ethnic group with their own language. And, the time from the beginning of their isolation from the rest of the ethnic Buryat, was rabzhuun more than ... They have to do a prime example of great and useful service to our struggle. You should carefully study this phenomenon is not afraid to say so, shenehenskih drilled. It should also work more closely with the Buryats living in Mongolia. Here is another example, which I was pleased and delighted. The son of my good friend Igor Nikolaevich Danilov, tired of the fact that his friends accused him of other nationalities because of ignorance of the native language, taught himself not only Buryat language, but along the way Mongolian and Kalmyk ... While he was studying Chinese language in China. Here is another one the clearest example of how we can get out of this nosedive ... In Soviet times, there was a view that the study of more than two languages tired students. Actually the person who owns many languages, has over the most broad-minded and full of knowledge. It is an indisputable fact! In the revival of the language are important newspapers, magazines and other publications that go in the national language, the Buryat of Radio and Television. As long as their activities in the revival of the mother tongue is more of an information stating the purpose and nothing more. They have to base their work on a more targeted and very carefully made plan. Here it is necessary to think about a significant increase in the time of their broadcasts on this important issue, and further open public channel dedicated Buryat language, that is, the channel that will broadcast only in the Buryat language. This question will not look nonsense, if not all undertake its implementation. In this holy cause in every way necessary to use the tremendous opportunities of modern information technology. It is necessary to create the Buryat internet sites where it would be all for the independent study of the Buryat language from Russian-Buryat phrasebooks. It is urgent to create computer programs Buryat language and other related items. In the case of training the native language of people of all ages should and should attract the old teaching staff . Of course, those who have the strength and desire to pursue the case. Their invaluable experience is very necessary in this important and necessary business. Ministry of Education and Science is now very weak by the derivation of the Buryat language teaching to a new level. First we need to dramatically increase the hours of the Buryat language lessons. So, put on an equal footing with the Russian language. A publishing house Belig just has to provide the necessary materials and textbooks, encouraging scientific world to create great, high-quality materials and textbooks for the teaching of the Buryat language. It is important to create a ministry department, and later the entire division, which would deal with issues of the Buryat language. And at the moment there is, in my opinion, only one staff member who is obliged to do so. Important is the work of the Ministry of Culture, which is obliged to work to increase the performances in the theater of the Buryat Buryat Drama, Opera and Ballet Theater, in the puppet theater uliger. It should be widely promoted in the spirit of the Buryat music schools and art schools, cultural centers and rural clubs. In short ministry should simply to advocate the revival of the Buryat language. And now from the repertoires of theaters in Ulan-Ude, Buryat safely clean out the repertoire and almost nothing in return offered. In the revival of the language of the important role belongs to our dear parents. Nowadays, among them many of those very weakly or not at all fluent in their native language. What can we offer such parents? They need to learn the language along with their children. In this regard, it would be necessary to create a chain of courses on the study of the Buryat language -based schools, cultural institutions, and in other places with large concentrations of people. Finally, in the revival of the language may play a prominent role our datsans. First, in the promotion of the Buryat language. Second, in language learning by opening Sunday school to learn the language or the provision of facilities for their study courses of the Buryat language. Third, we need to practice more widely translated prayers and mantras from Tibetan into Buryat. In a general way, help in this holy cause endless. Fourth, if possible, the help of money. Without attention to this holy cause by our state nothing good will happen. It is perfectly clear. Therefore it is necessary appropriation from the state. While it costs a lot of money. Therefore, it would be necessary to provide a lot of money on the basis of any long-term federal program at national level, and the Russian Federation. Also in the power structures must be created for the organization of work on the languages themselves in a difficult position. In connection with this appeal to the head of the republic Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Nagovitsyn constantly making a big fuss this issue at the federal level, and to do everything possible and at the level of the republic. Disease loss of native language finally come into force when the majority of speakers of the language are starting to think only of themselves, not feeling like a part of a single nation and ethnic group, not being raised at the words - I - drill! By the way I often encounter the phenomenon, when so many young people going abroad, most of all. Thus, a clear hallmark of the Buryat people - affection and filial love for the native land in front of fading away. Therefore it is necessary to revive the concept of Toonty with all its attributes and profound meaning. In fact, overseas leave the most beautiful and successful, our girls, the most talented and powerful young men in all respects . But this does not create the impression from this that gradually, each time gaining a clear brain drain and the saddest thing is that leaves our golden gene pool . After the loss of a man of great importance for our little people. language without the existence of a separate ethnic group is impossible. Thus, the people who lost their language, is Ivan, oblivious of kinship. Thus, the loss of language in the first place is lost culture, customs , the tradition, the person and the essence of this nation. In this case, no one will say they do not, they Buryats. To really prevent this sad phenomenon, we must put the question to our readers - lets discuss? Maybe so we dostuchishsya somewhere ... It is not the gods alone fired pots! Civil and Great Patriotic wars obedient people aloud anything and does not express its attitude to this, in fact momentous issue. Sorry ... After lessons Buryat language equated the rights of the lessons of drawing, singing and physical education. Here, for the sake of the truth should probably notice the completely servile role of the Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party, but the excessive zeal of its leaders in the implementation of the directives sent down from the top, just still disappointing. Unsigned by the Central Committee of the CPSU at the all important cases it was impossible to pull the so-so, even the bad air! So hands Buryat Regional Party Committee and other organizations set up to implement its important decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU religiously continued to enforce the party line to create a single Soviet people and to other nations forced to take measures above mentioned territorial, regional and district committee of the Communist Party. Buryat Regional Committee of the Communist Party after its decision very promptly sent to the aimags Buryatia emissaries who were fire and sword to bring to the regional committee of each major decision. At the same time revealed the mettle of each employee according to their conscience and understanding of the consequences of this decision, if it is brought to an end. But I have not heard that among them were those who expressed their opposition to the controversial decision in fact. The main thing that surprises me - is how quickly the Bolsheviks were able to crush the pride and honor of my freedom-loving people? After all, while we have not heard a single case of disobedience, not even a whisper could be heard in the vast ethnic Buryat ... It is in times like these is detected after the indomitable spirit people, its viability. At that time I was too young. And then I know that at a meeting conducted by the regional committee of the Communist Party on the discussion solutions of Party Committee, very clearly and categorically stated that his negative attitude to the decision only Tsyrendulma Tsyrenovna Dondogoy and some other cultural and art . Unfortunately, I do not know their names. At that time only a few participants in the meeting knew that launched a direct attack on the existence of the Buryat language. And in my home Kizhinginsky aimag emissary, and quite zealous, was Lev Pohosoev. he is in all small and big villages aimag held meetings at which, as a true party man and indomitable, implemented the solution, which has set the beginning of the beginning of the decline and degeneration Buryat language. At a time when having a meeting in which took part one, two people of other nationalities, in an instant all the Buryats became Russian. This nation was perceived as top-down directive by someone. Apparently, it was. The bus and tram, the club and the shop when two drill began to speak in his own language, the former or the former with the people of Russian nationality rather shamelessly admonished: Stop it speak the Buryat! Talk to everyone to understand! Which elicited a very low level of human culture. In this case, the general culture, had not yet lost the Buryats, has served to them a disservice. Similar cases in that time have become the rule. Such also served an important role in the fall of the Buryat language. Thus, we must reluctantly admit that it all started over a deepening crisis since the second half of the seventies of the last century, the general condition of the Buryat language, especially its teaching. Its getting worse and more accepted in many formal. I was dismayed to see as the deterioration of the language is not being solid, everyday, purposeful work, and limited formal singular events where more hype and advertising authorities and its individual members are responsible for language. So what about the current state of language can not speak without tears. And so too here to talk about the general fundamental study of language, literature. Accordingly, the ground staff or something ... At least the new Dorzhiev Tsydypovyh, Amogolonovyh, Radnaeva, Mahatovyh, Dugarnimaevyh, Naydakovyh, Tudenovyh on this dark horizon is not visible. In general, the deterioration of the language shallow all that accompanies it ... In this case, seeing such a common condition, entered the practice of seeing the best staff to retire, yet oh! How can do a good job of their mother tongue. From them, it would be more useful than those who sit at their home place and just work may simply stating the fact of the degeneration of language, which they in fact feeding them and do not make any unnecessary body movements, at least, budirovaniyu this issue ... I am here to give you one example of a scientist who has agreed to the fact that a writer who became famous for wide image brought the Communists, had called a maverick. Or she called it that way according to the current reality? Yes! Unknown ways in which the human mind is moving! Well, lets start talking about their proposals and reflections ... Buryat language is actually equated with the Russian language as the state language of the Republic of Buryatia. In this case, separation of nationality should not be. Thus, all residents of the Republic of Buryatia should and must learn the Buryat language. In the future, everyone who is accepted into the civil service must take the exam on knowledge of the Buryat language, down to the improvement of the general state of the language. It is necessary to carefully select newspapers, magazines and other publications that accompany the development and revival of the Buryat language and put them on the federal provision. restless and dashing to the nineties of the last century, raised the question of determining the titular nations in all regions of the Russian Federation. Over a short time, this is an important In my view, the question commonly exaggerate, but soon died. It is necessary to revive the issue and yet, especially in the national republics, oblasts, districts, introduce the concept of the titular nation. Among these recognize the aboriginal people of the area and the people make up the majority in the region. Should be adopted federal law on the subject . Yet this is not important. We should also conduct daily broad effort to revive our native language. Once again, we note that today the air need books to read at various levels, guidelines and manuals for individual language learning. But a more difficult question of frames to organize and lead the grunt work on the study of language. Now, when in the BSU study at a fraction of students of the future teachers of the Buryat language than trainees Evenki. It becomes clear and understandable why the Buryat language for some time are treated as not promising. This reduction is already taking a frightening trend. Why this is so? Apparently, it is appropriate to say that the training of teachers on the Evenk language has a solid backup in the form of federal money ... It certainly has a big, important value. Moreover, the number of willing and able to explore the Buryat language year-on-year decline in arithmetic progression. At the Faculty of Buryat basically get those high school graduates who were not able to go to other more prestigious in their view, BSU and other higher education institutions. What can be expected from such a good future teachers of the Buryat language? I just wanted the average score on the exam, coming in Buryat faculty, compared with the CSE coming to other schools. And just know that the comparison is not in favor of the Buryat language ... Here it is worth to say that the conduct of the noisy and somewhat pompous activities having more fleeting in nature, you can not get something big. What is the use of dictation, which seem to show that with the Buryat language is all right. Success can be achieved only as a result of daily and relentless work. Without this it will shock the air, and the result will be zero. While I often come across such opinion, that our language all right. Like, the descendants of Genghis Khan can never lose your tongue. This was at a large gathering of people at the party the memory of one of the poet categorically told me a respected cultural figure. This, of course, the other extreme. In our struggle for the revival of the language a big role can and should play the inhabitants of rural areas, which are more or less retain the Buryat language. Just need to carefully find and bring to this fight their covert capabilities. More should be said about another example. Im talking about shenehenskih Buryatia, which more than a half billion-China managed not only to survive but also to preserve and develop their own language and to remain a separate ethnic group with their own language. And, the time from the beginning of their isolation from the rest of the ethnic Buryat, was rabzhuun more than ... They have to do a prime example of great and useful service to our struggle. You should carefully study this phenomenon is not afraid to say so, shenehenskih drilled. It should also work more closely with the Buryats living in Mongolia. Here is another example, which I was pleased and delighted. The son of my good friend Igor Nikolaevich Danilov, tired of the fact that his friends accused him of other nationalities because of ignorance of the native language, taught himself not only Buryat language, but along the way Mongolian and Kalmyk ... While he was studying Chinese language in China. Here is another one the clearest example of how we can get out of this nosedive ... In Soviet times, there was a view that the study of more than two languages tired students. Actually the person who owns many languages, has over the most broad-minded and full of knowledge. It is an indisputable fact! In the revival of the language are important newspapers, magazines and other publications that go in the national language, the Buryat of Radio and Television. As long as their activities in the revival of the mother tongue is more of an information stating the purpose and nothing more. They have to base their work on a more targeted and very carefully made plan. Here it is necessary to think about a significant increase in the time of their broadcasts on this important issue, and further open public channel dedicated Buryat language, that is, the channel that will broadcast only in the Buryat language. This question will not look nonsense, if not all undertake its implementation. In this holy cause in every way necessary to use the tremendous opportunities of modern information technology. It is necessary to create the Buryat internet sites where it would be all for the independent study of the Buryat language from Russian-Buryat phrasebooks. It is urgent to create computer programs Buryat language and other related items. In the case of training the native language of people of all ages should and should attract the old teaching staff . Of course, those who have the strength and desire to pursue the case. Their invaluable experience is very necessary in this important and necessary business. Ministry of Education and Science is now very weak by the derivation of the Buryat language teaching to a new level. First we need to dramatically increase the hours of the Buryat language lessons. So, put on an equal footing with the Russian language. A publishing house Belig just has to provide the necessary materials and textbooks, encouraging scientific world to create great, high-quality materials and textbooks for the teaching of the Buryat language. It is important to create a ministry department, and later the entire division, which would deal with issues of the Buryat language. And at the moment there is, in my opinion, only one staff member who is obliged to do so. Important is the work of the Ministry of Culture, which is obliged to work to increase the performances in the theater of the Buryat Buryat Drama, Opera and Ballet Theater, in the puppet theater uliger. It should be widely promoted in the spirit of the Buryat music schools and art schools, cultural centers and rural clubs. In short ministry should simply to advocate the revival of the Buryat language. And now from the repertoires of theaters in Ulan-Ude, Buryat safely clean out the repertoire and almost nothing in return offered. In the revival of the language of the important role belongs to our dear parents. Nowadays, among them many of those very weakly or not at all fluent in their native language. What can we offer such parents? They need to learn the language along with their children. In this regard, it would be necessary to create a chain of courses on the study of the Buryat language -based schools, cultural institutions, and in other places with large concentrations of people. Finally, in the revival of the language may play a prominent role our datsans. First, in the promotion of the Buryat language. Second, in language learning by opening Sunday school to learn the language or the provision of facilities for their study courses of the Buryat language. Third, we need to practice more widely translated prayers and mantras from Tibetan into Buryat. In a general way, help in this holy cause endless. Fourth, if possible, the help of money. Without attention to this holy cause by our state nothing good will happen. It is perfectly clear. Therefore it is necessary appropriation from the state. While it costs a lot of money. Therefore, it would be necessary to provide a lot of money on the basis of any long-term federal program at national level, and the Russian Federation. Also in the power structures must be created for the organization of work on the languages themselves in a difficult position. In connection with this appeal to the head of the republic Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Nagovitsyn constantly making a big fuss this issue at the federal level, and to do everything possible and at the level of the republic. Disease loss of native language finally come into force when the majority of speakers of the language are starting to think only of themselves, not feeling like a part of a single nation and ethnic group, not being raised at the words - I - drill! By the way I often encounter the phenomenon, when so many young people going abroad, most of all. Thus, a clear hallmark of the Buryat people - affection and filial love for the native land in front of fading away. Therefore it is necessary to revive the concept of Toonty with all its attributes and profound meaning. In fact, overseas leave the most beautiful and successful, our girls, the most talented and powerful young men in all respects . But this does not create the impression from this that gradually, each time gaining a clear brain drain and the saddest thing is that leaves our golden gene pool . After the loss of a man of great importance for our little people. language without the existence of a separate ethnic group is impossible. Thus, the people who lost their language, is Ivan, oblivious of kinship. Thus, the loss of language in the first place is lost culture, customs , the tradition, the person and the essence of this nation. In this case, no one will say they do not, they Buryats. To really prevent this sad phenomenon, we must put the question to our readers - lets discuss? Maybe so we dostuchishsya somewhere ... It is not the gods alone fired pots! Thus, a clear hallmark of the Buryat people - affection and filial love for the native land in front of fading away. Therefore it is necessary to revive the concept of Toonty with all its attributes and profound meaning. In fact, overseas leave the most beautiful and successful, our girls, the most talented and powerful young men in all respects . But this does not create the impression from this that gradually, each time gaining a clear brain drain and the saddest thing is that leaves our golden gene pool . After the loss of a man of great importance for our little people. language without the existence of a separate ethnic group is impossible. Thus, the people who lost their language, is Ivan, oblivious of kinship. Thus, the loss of language in the first place is lost culture, customs , the tradition, the person and the essence of this nation. In this case, no one will say they do not, they Buryats. To really prevent this sad phenomenon, we must put the question to our readers - lets discuss? Maybe so we dostuchishsya somewhere ... It is not the gods alone fired pots! Thus, a clear hallmark of the Buryat people - affection and filial love for the native land in front of fading away. Therefore it is necessary to revive the concept of Toonty with all its attributes and profound meaning. In fact, overseas leave the most beautiful and successful, our girls, the most talented and powerful young men in all respects . But this does not create the impression from this that gradually, each time gaining a clear brain drain and the saddest thing is that leaves our golden gene pool . After the loss of a man of great importance for our little people. language without the existence of a separate ethnic group is impossible. Thus, the people who lost their language, is Ivan, oblivious of kinship. Thus, the loss of language in the first place is lost culture, customs , the tradition, the person and the essence of this nation. In this case, no one will say they do not, they Buryats. To really prevent this sad phenomenon, we must put the question to our readers - lets discuss? Maybe so we dostuchishsya somewhere ... It is not the gods alone fired pots!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:18:14 +0000

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