TU CONVOCATION IN DECEMBER HIMALAYAN NEWS SERVICE KIRTIPUR: A special meeting of Tribhuvan University Senate today took a decision to hold its 40th Convocation Day by the end of 2104, after the meeting passed the 52nd Grace List — list of graduates who are eligible to participate in the Convocation Day. As per the special meeting held today, a total of 53,178 students who received their transcripts between June13, 2013 to May 30, 2014 are eligible to participate in the Convocation Day. Highest among the eligible applicants for participating in the Convocation Day are from education faculty with 20,261 students. Similarly, 10,979 students are from humanities and social science faculty, 14,503 students from management faculty, 480 from law faculty, 3,612 from Institute of Science and Technology, 260 from Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 125 from Institute of Forestry, 1,836 from Institute of Engineering and 1,057 from Institute of Medicine will also participate in the convocation. Sixty-five graduates of MPhil and PhD from various faculties have also been included in the grace list for the 40th Convocation Day. Addressing the Senate meeting, Education Minister Chitralekha Yadav, who is the co-chancellor of TU, said that the university should bring competitive, technical, creative and research oriented programmes to attract youths for studies. “The youths have right to chose their subjects by analysing world trend, thus TU should also reform itself to meet the demands,” she added. She applauded TU and its contribution for academic and intellectual development in the country. She also expressed her support for the betterment of TU and its activities. Prof Hira Bahadur Maharjan, Vice Chancellor, TU said, “We have already begun semester system in the central departments to meet international standards and regularise the academic calendar.” He urged education minister to make provision of ‘Quality Accreditation Council’ to accredit the national and international standard in academic quality.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:43:48 +0000

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