TUES. 18 TH MARCH, 2014 ODEHYIEBA DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: FAN INTO FLAMES THE GIFT OF GOD PT 7 TEXT: 2 Timothy 1:6 NIV For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” EXPOSITION Glory to God for his abounding grace and mercies and the gift of life given to us. Yesterday, we learnt from Leviticus chapter 6:8-13 how Moses was asked by God to command Aaron and his sons concerning the regulations of the burnt offering. Five key lessons can be learnt from this passage. Let take them one after the other and explain. Firstly, there should always be an offering of sacrifice on the altar to keep the fire burning all the time. An Altar is a structure used in worship as the place for presenting sacrifices to God. The Hebrew word for altar that is used most frequently in the Old Testament is formed from the verb for slaughter and means literally, “slaughter place.” Altars were used primarily as places of sacrifice, especially animal sacrifice. Altars were places of exchange, communication, and influence. God responded actively to altar activity. The contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal involving an altar demonstrated interaction between Yahweh and Baal. Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice to Yahweh. God smelled the aroma and found it pleasing. He responded to Noahs action by declaring that he would never again destroy all living things through a flood. In the New Testament we are admonished to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto the Lord which is our reasonable act of worship (Romans 12:1). The Holy Spirit indwells in our body and to be able to fan the fire, there is the need to honor God with our body for it has been bought at a price ( 1 Cor 6:20). To be able to fan the fire, there is the need to create a conducive place for the Holy Spirit to operate. With this in mind our bodies must be kept with all purity. God bless you as you present your body on the altar. PEACE SHALOM! FURTHER STUDY 1 Timothy 3 ANAZOPUREO…..FAN INTO FLAMES REMAIN RAPTURABLE
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:26:02 +0000

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