TUESDAY 11TH MARCH CROSSING YOUR RED SEA ‘’And the children of Isreal went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left.” Exodus 14:22 In the journey of life, there must be enemies pursuing us and there is something we must do to get them drowned in the red sea of destiny. The Red Sea most times looks so wide that the possibility of a miracle looks impossible. Right now, it could be your finances, it could be your health, marriage, business or academics and you are desperately wondering how you can cross over. Can I tell u that the God who delivered the Israelites by making a way in the red sea is still God today. When he steps in, it becomes miracle time. Today, I see God stepping into your challenge and parting that sea that has troubled your heart. But you must believe that God can, because to them that believeth nothing shall be impossible (Mk 9:23). That disease can be healed! That promotion can come! Moses parted the Red Sea with a rod in his hand. You too have a rod in your hands. The word of God is a rod in your hand to part the Red Seas of your destiny. Use it in faith. Speak forth your desire, trust God and it will produce your miracle. Receive grace to cross over your Red Sea, in the name of Jesus. Amen. WORD OF PRAYER:- Oh Lord my father, I command every Red Sea on my destiny lane trying to drown me, to part in Jesus’ name, Amen. QUOTE: The Red seas of your life were fashioned to drown your enemies. Be in Church today by 12 noon for Healing And Miracle Service
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:12:06 +0000

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