TUESDAY 20TH AUGUST 2013 THE UNSTOPPABLE CHURCH (4) MATT 16:16-19 The unstoppable church is the church that knows her Identity (vs.18). Jesus referred to Simon as Peter. Peter comes from the Greek Petros. It means little rocks. While Jesus is a big rock, his disciples are little rocks. In spite of their sizes, rock are made up of the same substances. Both Jesus (Petra) and the church (Petros) have the same identity. Jesus is the word of God and so you are. Ignorance of your identity will bring failure, shame and regrets. Hold tight on your identity; it’s your victory. As you go out today, remember you are the success of God, the righteousness of God, the wonders of God in Jesus Name. As He is so are you. You are inferior to none but superior to all Jesus Name. No power can dominate you because you are unstoppable forever. RISE AND PROPHESY THANKSGIVING Sing songs of praise Thank God for all He ha done. CONFESSIONS Jesus is LORD. I know who I am. Am the righteousness of God. The greater one lives in me. My finances are going up an dup in Jesus Name. I reject poverty and sickness in Jesus Name. Am shinning brighter and brighter in Jesus Name. More confessions… BUSINESS IMPACT Unleash unending testimonies in your business/vision/ministry.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 07:54:18 +0000

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