TUESDAY 29TH, OCT 2013 CRITICAL LEARNING FOR EXCELLENCE IN LIFE AND MINISTRY (1) 2 PETER 1:1-11 Today by the grace of God, I want to begin this important subject with you. I believe if you are able to follow them well, they will help you to succeed in the eternal purpose and plan of God for you. Peter the Apostle gave some instructions in 2 Peter 1:4-7 and by verse 8 he said to the Christians he wrote the letter to “If these things be in you, and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful…” The same with these critical things I want to share with you, if you follow them well your life and ministry will be what God wants it to be. 1. You must know when what is costly is not precious You must know the difference between something precious and something costly. Physical things of life such as money, cars, gold, business deals or even relationships could be costly, but you cannot compare it to your destiny and ministry. If you lose your car, money, gold, business deals or relationships, you can still them back (Joel 2). But if you lose your salvation, calling, family, ministry or destiny, you may never get it back. Do not allow anybody to use anything costly to take your calling destiny, ministry, home, marriage, spouse or children from you. They are precious. One major goal of the devil is to seek to know the price of every man that God has called or has placed a divine destiny upon. Satan wants to know if you can be bought and the moment he knows you can be bought, he will use something costly to take you over. Determine today that you will not be “buyable”, make up your mind that nothing costly will take what is precious from your life. The Lord said to me some years back He said “My son, everything that I plan to give you, the devil can give you the same”. That shows that everything costly that the devil will want to use to take the precious from your hand now, if you are patient with God, when your own time comes, God will bring those costly things to you supernaturally. The enemy used two talents of silver, and two changes of garments to take four-fold of the anointing upon Elisha from Gehazi. He used food to take the future of Esau. Pay good attention to your life and begin to deal with everything that the enemy can use to buy your calling and destiny. May the good Lord keep and preserve you in His eternal purpose and destiny in Jesus’ name. Prayer: I pray for you today, that whatever the enemy can use to take the precious form your hand, God will deliver your heart from them in Jesus’ name. Bible in a year: Lamentations 1:1-2:22, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalm 101:1-8, Proverbs 26:20
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:15:50 +0000

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