TUESDAY, 4TH MARCH YOUR ONLY HOPE OF GLORY “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27 The beautiful thing about the word of God is that you are shown what you are, what you have, what you can be and what you can have. When I meet a child of God who is uncertain about how he will end up in life, it tells me that the fellow either does not study God’s word or does not understand the content of the word. It could also mean that such a one does not believe what he reads. How could you read such glorious things in the word and still be unsure about your future. It just doesn’t tell. If you have never taken the word of God seriously, I would want you to approach today’s text with a different attitude. God intends to reveal unto you a mystery which is “…Christ in you the hope of glory”. The simple message from the text is that it is possible for one to only expect glory in his life. That can only come about when Christ is in him. “Glory” is from a Greek word “doxa” which means splendor, brightness, magnificence, excellence, dignity and the like. Hope also speaks of expectation. Therefore the message God intends to communicate with us by this is that if Christ is in you, you could only expect glory, splendor, brightness magnificence, excellence, beauty etc. How could you ever imagine failing in life when Christ is in you? Everything you do comes into the limelight with excellence, splendor and grace. People always hear and see your upward movement because of the Christ within who is your glory. Have this consciousness from today and manifest glory always; shalom! Confession: I am full of hope by the light I have contacted from the word. Christ in me is my hope of glory. I move from glory to glory by reason of Christ who is in me. I do not go down, I manifest excellence in all I do and I come into prominence daily in Jesus name! Ps. David
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:46:31 +0000

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