TUESDAY 8th APRIL 2014 HIDDEN BLESSINGS IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES 2 PETER 1:3-9 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him”, Eph 1:3-14. Believers are those with the safest and best “bank accounts” ever because their treasures are hidden in Christ Jesus in the heavenly places where they cannot be affected by human manipulation or natural disasters. Everything they will ever need has already been paid for by Christ Jesus and they are all hidden in Him. Believers that do not have a firm understanding of where their blessings come from or are hidden are most miserable and vulnerable. They are miserable because they depend on the world’s powers and system for their livelihoods like the unbelievers do. But unfortunately, however, they cannot get anything because as it is true with unbelievers, until you ‘join’ them, you cannot win. It is in the ‘joining them to win’ that makes a believer opened to sin and compromise, and becoming prone to the control of the devil. However, a believer who is rooted in Christ cannot be messed up because s/he knows, as we read in our passage today that God’s divine power has already given him/her all things that pertain to life and godliness. So s/he no longer needs to be deceived by the enemy to remain in slavery. This means everything needed for the spirit, soul, and body to excel and perform at optimum best for this life and eternity are at his/her disposal. What a privilege! It is however only through the knowledge of God in the Spirit that we can enter into this realm of the heavenly places where our treasures are accessed. Head knowledge or theology alone will only puff us up because it does not work out the things of God. It is when we maintain a true relationship with Christ through His Spirit in us that we are connected to the heavenly places. Head knowledge of the word is different from a relationship with the Spirit of God. A relationship with the Spirit is seen in what we add to our faith to work out the life of Christ in our daily lives. This is what we see in our counselling sessions in GGDM every week when people stream in large numbers into our premises with various challenges that need solutions which only the power of Christ can give. Every week, people come and receive salvation, healing, deliverance, Holy Spirit baptism and a proper walk with God! Do not settle for the things this world can give you but rise up and access the blessing of God that are available in Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms. Memory Point: Ephesians 1:17 Ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to access His blessing in the heavenly places in His knowledge alone.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:50:00 +0000

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