TUESDAY SERVICE MESSAGE DATE: 20/01/2015 TOPIC: A FRESH START Deaconess Bukky Orija Bible Verse: Luke 15:17-18 Christ came into the world for sinners. Gods character is all about love, giving, forgiving and embracing. His aim on earth is to forgive and give us a fresh start. He came to save us through christ and to bring us to himself. We have the privilege to go back toGod after we have committed sin. Everyone deserves and has a second chance with God. He is willing to give us a fresh start when we go astray. He is the unchangeable changer of situations and circumstances. God never changes, his ways are the same. We as humans and as sinners constantly need a fresh start. The prodigal son went to a distant country, he got tired after a while and returned home because he could not survive. The best fresh start is the one that involves God. We can provoke God to give us a fresh start that will last. HOW WE CAN PROVOKE GOD TO GIVE US A FRESH START * We have to obey his word - Aggressive and total obedience of Gods word is a good way to provoke God to give us a fresh start. The reward for obedience is always amazing. Gods word keeps us anew, therefore we must obey his words. Psalm 138:2 Abraham is a good example of a man who obeyed Gods word and was blessed. God honors people that obey him. * We must leave our past behind - As sinners, we must leave all our bad ways behind. To get a fresh start from God, we must do the things that God wants us to do. We must leave behind those things that always leads us to sin. We must learn to forget the things that happened in the past. We must focus on our new start in Christ. The things that happened in the past might have happened because God allowed it to happen just to teach us a few things. We must live in the present and look forward to the future, the past must remain in the past. * We must acknowledge God - Acknowledging who God really is is important to him. Surrender your life to him completely, do not pretend, do not backslide. Receive christ fully into your life and start afresh in christ. Genesis 1:1-3 Just as God created the earth , he can do the same with our lives. He can turn our lives around and rearrange it, putting things in place perfectly. If we truely turn to him, he can reform us, we need to acknowledge what he can do in our lives. - God can make a good thing out of our lives. He can take a total empty life and speak life into it, filling its emptiness with great abundance. - He can bring the light out of total darkness. If you are not shining, you need a fresh start with God. - God today can give us vision for our lives. - God can remove the veil the enemy has put to cover us from seeing the goodness of God. Darkness is not good, it curses stagnation which leads to regression and lack of progress. Darkness speaks of dark, it never leaves, it waits for an opportunity to take over.Isaiah 61:7 When light comes darkness fades, you get wisdom from God. Corinthians 4:4 * We need to follow God - We need to stop doing things our way. We must follow his guidance, we must obey him completely not partially. If you want to go with God, you should go with him totally and follow his instructions and his words. We must start afresh with God, let nothing hold us back. Mathew 18:18 PRAYER POINTS * Father, help me to leave my sinful ways behind and start afresh with you. * Father, give me restoration, restore my vision and remove every blockage to my vision tonight. * Father, help me, let my life conform to your order. * Father, where there has been darkness in my life, shine your light. * Father,Where there is emptiness, fill it with your abundance, your goodness and your mercy. IN JESUS NAME...
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:22:39 +0000

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