TUGUEGARAO, CAGAYAN danilo g/ callangan tuguegarao is a valley surrounded by 3 major mountains named after the Spaniard friers. the whole area was a big lake as traces of salt water is found in the 7 chambers of Callao Caves in Penablanca. UNESCO of Paris is undergoing a research studies sending American Geologist to proof this theory. the outlet of the lake is the now called china sea which is the level of the Cagayan River the longest river in the whole archipelago. after millions of century as there is global warming the sea level subsided. the junglle started to flourish in the cagayan valley as there was no known human species at that time. Gigantic animals from other islands migrated to tuguegarao which was known in the old time as the cagayan valley. elephants, tigers, lions, dragons etc. are traced in the old house of then Judge Saquing one of the old families of the province of the Philippines. still oodles and oodles of centuries pass cagayan river begin to flourish with sea animals. then as the old world was always in the look of new species they started the first civilization along the cagayan river for it was then accessible by big ship. documents will proove THAT IN NOW CALLED Lallo it was then called Neuvo Segoviia where Galleon trade between Seville, MEXICO, AND LALLO WAS TRACED. THEN CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HIS ORIGINAL NAME IS CHRISTOPHER COLON WAS NOT COMMISIONED BY THE VATICAN TO SPREAD CHRISTIANITY IN THE NEW WORLD. SO HE WENT TO TOLEDO, SPAIN THE SPAIN OLD CAPITAL CITY TO BE COMMISIONED TO SPREAD CHRISTIANITY. THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW WORLD.. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.. IT IS A MUST THAT MEN HAS TO BE EDUCATED
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 19:38:38 +0000

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