TVD SE03 EP14 DANGEROUS LIASIONS Elijah is not too pleased to - TopicsExpress


TVD SE03 EP14 DANGEROUS LIASIONS Elijah is not too pleased to see Klaus and soon they both go at each other and fight. After a few minutes, Klaus finally settles Elijah down enough to try and convince him to trust him again. In return for his loyalty, Klaus promises to make their family whole again. Sheriff Forbes arrives at Elena’s house with the wooden stake used to kill the medical examiner Brian Walters. Looking at it closely, Alaric and Elena discover it is a stake that belonged to her parents and was kept at their lake house. Making matters worse, the only print on the weapon was Elena’s. Stefan guides Bonnie and her mother through the caves until they come upon the room where the coffin is being kept. Stefan demands that they work together to try and open the coffin quickly before Klaus discovers them. Elena finds Stefan as he gets ready to leave the cave and confronts him about Brian Walter’s murder. Looking at her in disbelief, Stefan tells her that maybe she should be asking Damon instead. Caroline shows up at the hospital to take her father home. Meredith informs her that she signed her father’s release the night before. Walking over to where Elena was waiting for her, Caroline tells her the news. Stopping suddenly, Caroline tells Elena that she hears her father’s phone. Entering a dark room, she tries to follow the sound. Soon, she sees her father’s lifeless body with a dagger in his chest. Before she could become too upset, Elena reminds her that her father had Vampire blood in him. Suddenly he gasps for air and looks up at Caroline. Looking through her mother’s Grimoire, Bonnie tells her there didn’t seem to be anything in there to help. She soon comes across a ripped out page and asks her mother about it. Abby tells her that it was the spell she used to bind Michael into the coffin. On the next page, she notices a rope with two knots. Abby explains that it means that if 2 witches did it together, it might possibly unlock the coffin. Damon tells Stefan that he met with Elijah and they have arranged to meet later and try to come to some sort of truce. Stefan is very hesitant to go but finally decides it was worth a chance. Caroline tells her father that he must drink human blood in order for the transition to be completed. She is not very happy when he yells her he has no plans to drink blood and does not want to become a Vampire. Elena brings home the dagger used to kill Bill and Alaric sees once again it was one of his. Not wanting to believe it but now he seriously suspects Meredith of the killings. Damon and Stefan arrive at Klaus’s home and are greeted by Elijah. Klaus orders them to sit down and have dinner. Grudgingly, Stefan sits down. The four of them soon discuss what to do about Elena. Caroline and Elena sit outside her house while her mother and father have a discussion. Caroline tells Elena that she wants to force her father to feed but Elena tells her that it is his choice. She knows that if he doesn’t feed, he will die. Matt shows up and Caroline goes into his arms for comfort. Later, Caroline holds her father’s hand while he slowly breathes his last breath. Elijah and Klaus bring up the name Tatia. They tell Stefan and Damon that she was the originator of the Petrova blood line. Like the Salvatore brothers, Klaus and Elijah were also in love with the same woman. Her mother was a powerful witch and they later discovered that it was Tatia’s blood they drank that night that completed their transition to Vampires. They both fought over her until one day they decided family came first and stopped the feuding. In the cave, Bonnie and her mother try again to chant but it doesn’t work. Seeing her mother about ready to give up, Bonnie tells her that she was not opening up herself up enough. Seeing the truth in what her daughter was saying, Abby once again holds her hands and they begin. Soon the candles flicker and they feel the coffin slightly give way. Bonnie stops and walks out to go call Damon. Hearing a noise, Abby looks at the coffin. Seconds later, the coffin flies open. At dinner, Damon tries to arrange a deal with Klaus. Telling him that he will turn over the coffin if Klaus will leave town and never come back. Klaus tells him no and that he will never leave without Elena. Matt and Elena arrive at her house and notice the lights were all off. Grabbing up flashlights, they carefully walk around until they come across puddles of blood. They follow the blood tracks and soon they see Alaric leaning against the wall with a dagger in his chest. Barely alive, Alaric tells Elena she has to kill him in order for him to be able to come back. Tearfully, Elena sinks the dagger into his chest. Klaus explains to Damon that under his and Stefan’s protection, Elena would not survive. Under his protection, Elena would live a long healthy life. Klaus puts out his hand to shake and Stefan reaches out to take it but at the last second tells him no deal. Klaus grabs his arm and puts it into the fireplace. Damon reaches out to help but Elijah stops him. Klaus tells Elijah to go with Damon to get the coffin otherwise he was going to burn Stefan alive. The two head out. Moments later, Elijah and Damon come back into the room with a servant holding a silver tray with 2 ancient daggers on it. Shocking Klaus further, Cole, Phin and Rebecca all show up and begin to use the daggers on Klaus. Turning to Stefan and Damon, Elijah tells them that they may go. That it was family business. Alone, Klaus tries to tell them he was doing it all for them. They of course do not buy it. Matt stays with Elena while they patiently wait for Alaric to awaken. She soon receives a call from Sheriff Forbes informing her that Meredith had an alibi and could not possibly be the one doing all of the killings. Meredith had been in surgery all night. Hanging up, Elena breathes a sigh of relief when Alaric finally opens his eyes. Stefan and Damon head into the cave to see how Bonnie and her mother were doing. They soon see Bonnie and her mother knocked out. Making sure they were still breathing, they look at the coffin and are shocked to see it was empty. Back at Klaus’s home, his family informs him that they were all leaving but not before they kill Elena. This would make sure he could never create anymore hybrids. He threatens to hunt them all down but suddenly stops when he sees the front door open. They all watch in shock as their mother approaches Klaus. Klaus is visibly scared and expects the worst. Looking into his eyes, his mother surprises him when she tells him she forgives him and that she wanted them all to be a family again.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:21:52 +0000

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