TWELTH DAY OF LENT “Save Me from, well, Me!” The - TopicsExpress


TWELTH DAY OF LENT “Save Me from, well, Me!” The so-called Promise Land isn’t at all what Abram imagines (Genesis 12:10-20), and soon after arriving from his amazing faith trek across the world he decides Egypt is the better place to be, and he makes for the bright lights of the big city. Abram may be captivated by Egyptian civilization, but Sarai captivates the mighty Pharaoh (She maybe 80, but she’s still a ‘looker’), and Abram quickly worries Pharaoh may kill him in order to gain his wife. A scheme is cooked up: Abram explains to Sarai she is to pretend he is her brother in the hopes this will save Abram’s neck. This is all well and good except for the teeny tiny problem of Sarai being absolutely crucial to the whole Dreams and Promises of God. If they are to have a child, it is Sarai who will give birth to the kid (this is reaffirmed when Sarai hatches her own scheme to get a child by having Abram sleep with her handmaiden in order to conceive one, and God has to clean up that mess by giving Hagar the Handmaiden and her son Ishmael their own set of promises and dreams {Genesis 16}). Fortunately for all, there is one moral person down there in Egypt who has a little faith, and ironically it is, Pharaoh! The great Egyptian King listens to God and saves the couple’s chestnuts. Though taking matters into their own hands becomes standard operating procedures for these two: the sordidness with Hagar, Abram offering to give the Promise Land to his nephew Lot (Genesis 13), and Abram foolishly leading a motley crue of bandits against the great kings of the land in order to rescue Lot from their clutches (he could’ve been killed, for Pete’s sake! – Genesis 14), yet through it all God continually rescues them from their own worst enemy, themselves! Probably a good lesson here: pray each day for God to rescue us from our own stupidity – the clever schemes, grandiose ideas, and wild plots we cook up to save our own skins, and maybe, just maybe we might learn to rely not on our own cleverness but on the faithfulness of God.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:04:41 +0000

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