TWELVE POWERS MEDITATION With the center of attention at the - TopicsExpress


TWELVE POWERS MEDITATION With the center of attention at the crown of your head, affirm: The Christ of God is quickened in me. Moving to the forehead, to acknowledge that you are aware or conscious of this spiritual awakening, affirm: I am aware that the Christ of God is quickened in me. Now to the solar plexus region, the emotional center, feel the emotion of gratitude in response to this Christ quickening. Affirm: I am grateful that the Christ of God is quickened in me. FAITH -Move your center of attention to the middle of your head, the pineal gland, the physical center for FAITH, represented by Peter: I am developing mountain-moving faith in God. Then move to the small of your back, the physical center of STRENGTH, represented by Andrew, and affirm: My faith in God makes me strong and of good courage. WISDOM - Then to the WISDOM area at the solar plexus, represented by James, affirm: I am guided by wisdom and good judgment into right action. Now to the LOVE center, an area behind the heart, represented by the beloved disciple, John, affirm: I am filled and thrilled with the magnetic forces of love. POWER - The POWER center is next, the throat or base of the tongue, represented by the disciple Philip. Affirm: I am power! IMAGINATION - Now to Bartholomew, who represents IMAGINATION, with your center of attention between the eyes, affirm: Christ in me quickens my faculty of imagination. I see clearly and creatively. UNDERSTANDING - Now let your attention rest at the forehead and spiritually quicken the faculty of UNDERSTANDING by affirming: The light of understanding enables me to see clearly and to take right action. ORDER - Let our center of attention drop easily to a point just behind the navel, the physical center for the faculty of ORDER. Say or think to yourself: Christ in me is quickening my faculty of order, represented by the disciple James, the son of Alphaeus. Then, holding your attention there, affirm: Divine order is established in my mind, body and life. And you may wish to add: I AM in tune with divine timing, and I let God create this day for me. WILL - Now let your attention rest at the forehead and affirm: The light of understanding enables me to see clearly and to take right action. Thy will be done. ZEAL - Now let your attention go to the back of your neck. Let it rest there for a moment, like a soft, golden circle of light. ZEAL Then say or think silently: The Christ within me is quickening, baptizing and training my faculty of zeal, represented by the disciple Simon, the Cananaean. Immediately you will feel a sense of peace, an easing of tension: your breathing will respond by getting deeper and more rhythmic. Perhaps there will even be a sigh of relief and release. Now affirm: I am motivated from within by wisdom and love. I do that which is before me to do with unflagging zeal and enthusiasm. I work with the spring and speed of Spirit—easily, unhurriedly, gracefully. I am grateful. ELIMINATION - Now let that spotlight of attention travel to the end of your spine, the very lowest part of your back. Affirm: Christ in me quickens my faculty of renunciation. The activity of Spirit cleanses my mind of limited and false beliefs, making room for greater understanding and newness of life. I am grateful. LIFE - Placing your center of attention at the lower abdomen, speak these freeing, vitalizing words of Truth: The Christ in me is quickening my faculty of life, represented by the disciple Judas. I am calm, serene and in complete mastery of my emotions, thus allowing the universal life-force to flow through me to heal, energize and recharge my physical body. I am grateful. Conclude your meditation by repeating the “Prayer for Protection” and feel yourself bathed in light: The light of God surrounds me; The love of God enfolds me; The power of God protects me; The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:19:44 +0000

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