*TWENTY UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUT ME* So, apparently Jubee wants me - TopicsExpress


*TWENTY UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUT ME* So, apparently Jubee wants me to list 20 Unknown Facts about me. I had to oblige her, I dont know why (Maybe for my Birthday gift that she has promised me ). 20 is a huge number, and I had to rack my brain for getting here, and after reading them. Many may end up not liking me*Apart from the ones who already Dont* Anyway, here goes nothing - 1. I am a big time Introvert *Read BIG TIME* Blankets, Books, Sleep, Coffee and all that. 2. I am a nocturnal person, can sleep for the whole day. But at Night ? NO SIR !!! 3. I judge people immediately upon meeting them, talking to them, seeing them! And then I rarely go back on my judgement. (Told you I am not likeable ) 4. I like making friends, talking to new people, getting to know them. And I often find that talking to strangers is very calming for me. 5. I have Sociophobia, I am not going to tell you what that is. Google it. 6. I used to believe that I am an atheist, but recently I came across the word Agnostic and after seeing its definition, I think I will call myself that, as I have still not got my bearings properly. 7. I am a Huge LGBTQA Rights supporter and a Feminist , Which may come as a shock to many. Especially my new friends and people I have come in contact with after coming to Delhi. And any Homophobe or Anti-Feminist is welcome to a debate. 8. I am very protective of the people who are close to me, which sometimes gets to the limits of possessiveness. 9. I am not sure about fate or destiny or anything on the same line, or about my views on these things to be precise. 10. I like a hot cup of Tea or Coffee, with a Book anytime of the day than a Party to go to. 11. I am extremely Loyal to my friends and very supportive to any of the things they do, which are right for them, that is. And any friend can be sure of my love and support to them. 12. I like to take long walks to calm myself down and think about my life, and often you will find me roaming around some place with my hands in my pocket or sitting in a park, musing just. 13. I am very short tempered and Insecure by nature, and specially people who make jokes on my friends and family get on my nerves. 14. I am much too emotional but I dont portray my emotions very nicely and hence end up seeming as Boring, Monotonous and Dull as they come. But if you push the right button, I can be the most fun person that you have ever been with. Also Though I dont show emotions, I can gauge peoples emotion very easily and can make them feel better when in foul mood (NOT MY OPINION, but some of friends say that! ) 15. I am in love with books and I can anytime read a book. I have a small collection of books at home, of which I am rather proud of. 16. I am always up for a debate or argument, whatever you want with anyone who goes against my belief system. But if you refute me with correct facts, then we can be best pals *Am not that bad you see* 17. I, apparently having a lot of free time, keep on thinking and making scenarios in my head, which ultimately ends up spoiling my real life relationships with people. 18. I am very much attracted to and soothed by Old songs, Literature, Art and Nature (Sunrise, Waterfalls, gushing rivers.... that kind of things) 19. I am very sarcastic and snappy and witty at times, so beware!! I dont have many close friends or as many as I would have liked. Specially in the new LALA Land i.e. Delhi. 20. To anyone who has read all the other points, this point will be apparent. I am a Paradox! Jubee There you go! I now nominate Debika Abhishek Himanshu Saba Nikita Nuzhat Sushmi Ananya Rounak Ankita Devarshi Neeladree Sunayana Mohammed Asif Lalit Palak Sakshi Japneet for the challenge! Dont chicken out. Go for it! P.S. New Haters, have the permission to hate.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:53:13 +0000

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