TWISTED MIKE FARWELL In less than 7 days, we will begin the - TopicsExpress


TWISTED MIKE FARWELL In less than 7 days, we will begin the next to the last project that will bring Caspian Rising’s Star Base Phoenix to Tier 5; which sadly Twisted Mike will not get to see but will be there in spirt. We gather today to remember Fleet Member Twisted Mike who passed away on Earth Date September 5, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada from a stroke. Twisted joined Caspian-Division Fleet Caspian Rising in the days after we lost our original Star Bases to an individual bent on revenge for a perceived slight. Twisted Mike renewed the faith of our members who were in shock and helping to lead the way he helped with rebuilding not only Caspian Rising; but Caspian Honour Guard our KDF sister fleet. Twisted Mike was in true terms a Trekkie, who at his passing at age 42 was not yet born when Star Trek premièred 48 years ago this month in September of 1966. He like so many fell in love with Star Trek and dream the dream of star travel that creator Gene Roddenberry had brought to living rooms so many years ago. Twisted Mike enjoyed the characters portrayed by William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan, Jackson DeForest Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, and Michael Dorn. They would be joined by Kate Mulgrew, and Scott Bakula as the stories continued to unfold. Twisted had been looking forward to seeing the fan produced Battle of Axanar, that is set for 2015. We of course heard him talk about the new characters bringing James T Kirk and company back to life in the latest movie versions. Actors Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin. It was from these actors he drew inspiration for his own characters and even his bridge officers. The one thing Twisted never tried to do was name any of his ships with some variation of Enterprise. Seriously! Have you seen some of those naming attempts? Twisted too thought they were bad. He commented to me once about the fan produced web series Star Trek Continues with its varied actors, like the son of James Doohan; Chris Doohan playing his own father. Then he spoke about Vic Mignogna who picked up the torch to portray Captain James T. Kirk, each actor like Todd Haberkorn as Spock who has brought their own interpretation to Star Trek characters. Twisted loved facts about Star Trek and the spinoffs, and when I gave him a tidbit about Star Trek Farragut and Star Trek Continues being filmed and produced in Georgia he was floored. Both fan produced web series are filmed at studios located in Kingsland, Georgia; near St. Mary’s a quaint little fishing town I might add with a hotel that has no dang turbo lift. Twisted Mike joined Star Trek On-line when it first went live in February of 2010 and like me we became lifetime members. Living the adventures he became expert at STF’S and became the go to expert. Twisted believed in helping fellow players, experienced or not in making it though difficult STF’S both space and ground; Twisted do not fear getting his hands dirty. Twisted loved Foundry Missions, the originality of these stories how the writers wove these stories together and how they played out, and many have used Twisted’s characters! Writer Leo Tolstoy once wrote, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Twisted Mike fit this description to a T. It takes patience to run missions, Twisted paid close attention to the mission details. Learning the trigger points; what and where the bad guys would spawn and how bad would become golden knowledge. Twisted never rushed, patience became his calling as we know those ever present timers can cause many to rush while not paying attention to that sneaky probe about to pass through that gate. Twisted knew that time was the enemy but he had learned those tricky paths that would prove to be the winning paths. Twisted showed kindness, respect, patience that made me proud to be his friend and he will be sorely missed, as he never rushed to judgment. We learned a lot from him. Twisted who was a tattoo artist lived and worked in the Grand Sin City of Las Vegas and had attended the conventions that had been held there. I expect he cherished all he experienced. I want us to remember Twisted Mike not for his tragic sudden passing, but for the life he lived inside and outside of the world we live in here on Star Trek On-Line. He has joined the stars and has followed the paths of other great captains who have preceded him in death, but it is not death but a new beginning of discovery and of life and of hope. In closing as Twisted has claimed his chair; he has turned to us once last time and gives us the final nod then speaks to his helm. “Second Star to the right, straight on until morning. Warp Factor Six.” Helm “Aye-Aye Sir. Second Star to the right, straight on until morning; Warp Factor Six!” God Speed Mike, you have earned your place among the grand stars of the sea above us. This concludes the memorial to Caspian Rising Fleet Member Twisted Mike.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:37:34 +0000

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