TWO GORGEOUS WOMEN Albany to Denmark 75 km Amanda and Ju - TopicsExpress


TWO GORGEOUS WOMEN Albany to Denmark 75 km Amanda and Ju arrived yesterday. A little later than expected, but oh so good to see them. We decided not to cycle, so I repitched the tent, and we went for a walk along the beach, giving them a chance to stretch their R limbs after their almost 5 hour drive. Id had a busy morning. Spent half an hour skyping Hanmer Springs School. Great chatting with them. Some fantastic questions. Then I did a huge tidy up of all my gear. Packed everything away, all neat and dry, ready, just in case we decided to cycle later. Then rode up into the town. Yeha. One of my parcels has arrived. Its been chasing me all the way from Adelaide. I now have a second pair of cycle Gloves. Next I tried to get info about the Munda Biddi cycle trail, a mtb trail, 1000 km long, from Albany to Perth. First stop was a bike shop: probably a bit wet and muddy this time of year, maybe even under water. Ask at Department Environmental Care. At DEC: We have maps, but no knowledge of trail conditions. Try Info Centre. At Info Centre: We have maps. Lets look on website. Hmmm. No track conditions details. Try DEC. I went back to the campsite, and had a nap. Celebration time. My Juju medicine has arrived, with a bonus dose of Amanda. We hit the local Mexican restaurant, for the best yummy Mexican food Ive eaten since USA last year..... So this morning we pack the bikes. Ju and Amanda for the first time with panniers for the road. All very excited. We climb the hill up into Albany. My goodies package from Karen Fitz has arrived....Woohoo, and head out of town on the lower Denmark road. After about 15km, we stumble across the Munda Biddi trail. It looks okay. Amanda reckons her road bike should handle lets give it a go.... The most enjoyable riding Ive done since arriving in Australia. Some single track, some dirt road, with a little bit of sealed road. Most importantly away from the traffic. For the girls first day, perfect. Some of the trail doubles up as a rail trail, so is flat as well. Only problem is that occasionally the route seems to do the sides of a square to avoid main roads, so not as direct as we would like. At one point, we decide to do 5 km on the highway instead of a 10km square. Good choice. Would have made it easier if Id spent $11 on a map, but didnt want to spend the money if the trail was unusable. Arrived in Denmark in reasonable time and started the search for Sal and Justins, our Warm Showers hosts. No that cant be the way. That hill is far too steep........ A gut buster. But with a good bit of weaving from side to side, we all made it to the top, exhausted, and down the other side, and up the steep driveway, to a wonderful welcome, a hot shower, and fantastic meal, from understanding fellow cycle tourists. Thank you guys. Now time for sleeeeep.....
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:41:39 +0000

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