TWO MAJOR POLLS TODAY SHOW SENATOR ROBERTS & GOVERNOR BROWNBACK PULLING AHEAD BREAKING NEWS! CNN and FOX each just released a new poll showing Pat Roberts leading liberal Greg Orman in the race for the US Senate and Sam Brownback pulling ahead of liberal Paul Davis in the race for Kansas Governor! The CNN Poll has Roberts leading 49% to 48%. The Fox News poll has Roberts leading 44% to 39%. Two different polls, two different methodologies, same conclusion More Kansans are joining Team Roberts every day, and were right where we need to be! Heres why: Obama said just last week that this election is about his policies and agenda. Orman is Obamas candidate in Kansas! Republicans are rallying around Senator Roberts, and the U.S. Chamber just endorsed Pat because hes a pro-jobs, pro-growth conservative! Republicans like Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Laura Ingraham, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, John McCain, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul & Tom Coburn all unequivocally support Pat Roberts. Orman is a liberal - just look at his record: He supports Obamacare, amnesty, and refuses to publicly reveal his positions on Keystone Pipeline or Obamas cap-and-trade. This race is neck and neck and Kansas will be THE deciding factor of who is calling the shots in Washington for the final two years of Obamas term. GOVERNOR SAM BROWNBACK: The CNN Poll has Brownback and Davis tied at 49% each. The Fox News Poll has Brownback leading Davis 46% to 40%. Despite a deluge of false claims by Paul Davis and his supporters the Brownback momentum is building: The Kansas economy is growing faster than any of the other states in the 9-state region. More Kansans are working now than any time in Kansas history, the unemployment rate has remained below 5% for 10 months straight. Kansas is spending more on public education and more per pupil than any time in its history. Kansas has gone further in implementing conservative reforms than any other state and it has, therefore, become the liberals prime target The race is still close and Paul Davis and his liberal allies will stop at nothing to try and stop our reform agenda that has transformed Kansas with lower taxes, less regulation, and more freedom. HOW DID WE PULL AHEAD? It is the story the media missed. A relentless, integrated campaign of Senate, Congress, Governor, statewides, and state house teams using door walkers, phone banks, mail, TV, radio, prominent visitors and word of mouth. And we still need more help - money and volunteers. There is immense work left to be done in 27 days. We cant wake up on November 5th and realize that we didnt do enough to win back the Senate and keep control of Kansas. Thank you for being there for us. Onward to victory!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 16:25:05 +0000

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