TWO MORE DAYS AND I AM GOING TO BE MARRIED! …or… Day Two In Baltimore was Exhausting in the MOST Wonderful Way! If you are ever in Baltimore and decide to go to the National Aquarium, go early! We were giving it two hours. We were there nearly five! It was amazing and worth it, but there were about 9 billion children, who constantly stepped on toes and got in the way of the camera JUST as you were taking the most perfect picture of a beautiful fish or sea anemone or jelly fish…. So then we thought it was lunch time and I was starving and we found out it was twenty after four (yes, that was the time) and no frippin’ wonder we were hungry! Someone recommended “Mo’s” and we had a sorta lunch-ie kind of meal. Oysters on the half shell (which I adored) and crab stuffed mushrooms (which was more like a little casserole). OMG! Soooooo good! Then we went back to the room to re-load the camera and batteries and such—but on the way we found a T-shirt that could NOT have been MORE Ben-Bear! OMG! And I am not telling! You will see Monday morning when I make my report on Sunday! I can’t wait until you see! The perfect cross between sweet and naughty that is me! LOL! So then we bought the four-ship historic ship package. Today we went aboard the USCGC Taney, which was cool, but in several places gave me this… well… strange creepy shuddery feeling. There where I could not move! “R” had to take my hand and help me move! I kept wanting to fall over or shake. THEN when we were on the second ship, historic lightship Chesapeake, I was talking to the guy who watched over said second ship—and guess what? He tells me the Taney is haunted! In THE places where I got shaky! How about that? Tomorrow we go on the two other ships and you will hear all about it! :-) So then back to the room to recharge batteries and such and then off we went to City Café for dinner. Here is what a gay friendly Baltimore site says: “Just north of the Inner Harbor area is Baltimore’s Midtown district and where visitors will find City Café on Cathedral Street. Serving contemporary American cuisine, the gay-owned cafe always draws a crowd.” OMG!!!! The food! OMG!!!! We started with cocktails, and then it was Lollipop Lamb Chops with Beat “Ravioli” w/ goat cheese and Pistachio Mint Vinaigrette. Oh ladies and gentlemen! OMG! And how do you cut beets that thin? I wish you could taste it! I wish I could give you the ability to taste it! OMG! Then we split the: Virginia Scallops with shallots, pan roasted chorizo, baby artichokes and fingerling potatoes AND Wild Mushroom Ravioli with rosemary and Madeira wine cream sauce. I was so pretty and I was SO hungry (it was after 8:00, closer to 9:00 at this point and I am used to eating no later than 6:00) I DOVE in and then “R” reminded me I forgot to take a picture! And it was SO damned pretty! Sorry, but it was sooooooooooooooooo good! I and been born and went to heaven (notice a word I won’t use? our words are power and I don’t want to manifest that other word). SO THEN we walked quite a few blocks and went to Red Emma’s—which I thought was a gay bookstore/coffee café and turned out to be an anarchist bookstore/coffee café instead. Now those of you who know me AT ALL (VJ Summers?) know how I now have a deep and magick affair going on with coffee will know I was seeking out some coffee. REAL coffee and not that (won’t say the S-word because I will piss some people off) other place. While it wasn’t the bookstore I was hoping for, it f*cking WAS the coffee place I sought! WOW! Coffee blesses me when I go on a quest . WOW! The coffee that “R” had was okay, but I sorta shrugged my shoulders and then the guy gave me what is known to coffee drinkers (read: snobs) as “God In A Cup.” WOW!!!!! What I had was a Permata Gayo from Sumatra, Indonesia. The sign says it is a “coffee with a rich, earthy body and a hint of dark caramel.” All I can say is, “O-M-G!!” Bought a bag to make some at home! Then we walked about five blocks to the train station and caught a cab back to the hotel, stopped on the fourth floor to check out what their “gym” facilities look like, stopped at the room, and went down to the hotel bar for one last cocktail (we were fairly cocktail free today!). Then to bed to check emails and see that yes, our witness will be in fact down from DC to be our witness. Send energy to him that he will catch the 9:30 train vs, the 10:30 train. We wants to get ourselves married EARLY! Okay! Day Three Begins! Love and light! And may we all dare to walk in beauty, balance and delight! BG
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:03:28 +0000

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