TWO TACTICS MARKETING EXPERTS TELL US TO ATTRACT CLIENTS THAT IM NOT BUYING I received a powerful email today from a client. She originally came to me last fall when I offered an intense 6-week coaching program on breaking your barriers to Love. Since then, weve continued working together on matters of career, romance, home-buying and mostly self-love. She has always been a powerful person. The difference now is, she knows it. She knows what she wants, what she deserves, even though the clarity takes time to surface. Shes been doing the deep soul work of clearing out all the old shit we tell ourselves, all the stuff we hold onto because we fear nothing better will come along, and allowing too, the tears and sadness and depression and anger to find a way out. Today, wow, she is feeling the space, light and freedom shes created within herself. New opportunities are coming her way. She is returning home, to herself. And she is ecstatic. She could do this soul work because shes powerful already. She could do this soul work because she reached out for guidance that would guide her back to her own wisdom, beauty and ability. She could do this soul work because she believed enough in herself to invest in herself. She could do this soul work because of her persevering presence, her courage to face the darkness, her abundant compassion, and her willingness to forgive. She could do this soul work because the risk in not doing it was a waste to herself, to her family, and to her community that she is contributing to in brilliant, beautiful ways. As a spiritual coach, this is the client I want to attract. The one who is ready and willing to invest her time, money and energy. The one who knows shes worth it. The one whose fear is a catalyst for her freedom. 1) The marketing experts tell us in order to obtain clients, we must focus on pain-to-pleasure. Meaning, in our marketing copy, we tell you what pain you are experiencing, and then we promise some pleasure, some relief, the magic answer that makes all the pain goes away, or whatever result it is we say we deliver as coaches, healers, etc. My absolute LEAST favorite pain tactic is: Are you stuck? (You are NEVER stuck. You may *feel* stuck, and that I get and can help you with, but know that you are always moving; nothing, absolutely nothing is wasted! Where you are is perfect.) And then one that is near and dear to me is: Feeling depressed? (I totally get depression. Ive suffered depression for 20+ years, and in the words of Jeff Foster, depression is a time for deep rest and ruthless exploration.). I get the psychology here. I know that helping women tap into their pain--to encourage bringing the pain to the surface--is absolutely necessary to ignite us to take actions for a healthier life. I get that, and I do that. BUT IN MY PRESENCE, I never want you to feel like you are doing something wrong, or that I am the one to save you. Thats a cheap and easy marketing ploy that pulls on your already vulnerable state of being. Thats marketing that aims for your lower vibration. In my marketing, I always want to tap into your EMPOWERED STATE OF BEING. Your higher vibration. I want you to reach out from this holy place, from the Divinity-within-you who knows you are worth it. In our coaching sessions, we will focus here on your highest vibration. 2) The marketing experts also say that most people wont pay for coaching or healing services until they hit rock bottom: until the doctor gives them the diagnosis, or their weight has tipped over 200, or the depression means they lost their job, or the spouse finally leaves. People tend to wait until theyre in so much pain, theyll do anything. I also get this. Our egos can be mighty strong and sometimes it takes the Universe turning our lives upside down to finally heal whats no longer working. If this is you, then Im here for you. I have the ability to hold intense emotions, because Ive learned to hold my own. At the same time, DONT WAIT! Be proactive. Invest in yourself. We all know that most women are more likely to do something for themselves if and only if it benefits someone else in their life, i.e. ask for a raise because she has a family to support, or stop smoking because she is pregnant, or lose weight to attract a partner. I know however, there are more and more women who are stepping up and investing in themselves because they know they alone are worth it. For ions women have been told and taught to be of service to others. In this new day, this new paradigm, women, what you want matters. Your happiness and fulfillment matters. Ask for it. Dont wait for a marketing ploy to pull on your heart strings. Be empowered now to do what your Soul is seeking.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:25:05 +0000

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