TWO VERY COOL CW150 OPPORTUNITIES TOMORROW & SATURDAY! Roads to Gettysburg – The Army of the Potomac Marching through Loudoun During the last week of June 1863, most of the Federal Army of the Potomac crossed through Loudoun County marching north in pursuit of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. To leave Loudoun for Maryland, the Federals built a set of bridges over the Potomac River at the mouth of Goose Creek. The crossing is considered one of the greatest in American history. Most of the troops which would fight days later at Gettysburg Pennsylvania marched over those bridges. In observance of this event, the Loudoun Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee presents a series of programs highlighting the passage of the army. June 26: Dedication of the new Edwards Ferry Civil War Trails Marker, 7 pm, at Kephart Bridge Landing at Elizabeth Mills Riverfront Park (43942 Riverpoint Drive, in Lansdowne). After the dedication, local historians will lead tours to the bridge sites. The tour’s timing is 150 years to the hour of the crossing of General Winfield Scott Hancock’s Second Corps. Tour will conclude by 9 pm. Dress for a moderately paced hike. Bring water and insect repellant. June 29: “Bridges to Gettysburg” – a walking tour of the Edwards Ferry crossing site. Meet at the Kephart Mill site (43942 Riverpoint Drive, in Lansdowne) at 9 AM. A one mile hike to the bridge sites, with several stops along the way to consider Goose Creek Canal and structures located in Elizabeth Mills Riverfront park. The tour will conclude by noon. Dress for hiking. Bring water, insect repellant, and sunscreen. For more information, please contact Craig Swain (caswain01@gmail) or visit: markerhunter.wordpress/2013/05/14/roads-through-loudoun/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:43:51 +0000

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