TYING UP LOOSE ENDS... I know a few things about transition. - TopicsExpress


TYING UP LOOSE ENDS... I know a few things about transition. After all, I spend a lot of time tuning into souls whove made the transition from the physical world to the spirit world. Ive learned that for a soul to evolve, it must learn lessons, a myriad of lessons in each lifetime - including lessons of love, forgiveness and gratitude. Recently it occurred to me that we can apply those same concepts to a simpler and more routine transition - looking back on the past year with love, gratitude and forgiveness so we can move on - evolving and growing in the year ahead. Heres how to take a conscious inventory of the past year before bidding it a fond farewell: Look back with gratitude. Everyone talks about gratitude, and we all have our standard list of things were grateful for - family, pets, meaningful work, healthy food, a roof over our heads. As you take your year-end inventory I challenge you to give thanks for all of the wonderful things in your life, then dig a little deeper. Did you weather a difficult event in the past year? Maybe you lost your job, had a sickness or death in the family, or suffered a major setback or disappointment. How did you get through it? Your own resilience, the support of family or friends, even the helpfulness of a total stranger are all things to be grateful for. Consider the challenges you faced over the last year and send a little prayer of gratitude to the universe and a message of love to the people who helped you through them. Be thankful for the opportunities youve had to help others. When Im able to send a message of love and comfort from beyond to a workshop attendee or a radio caller, it gives me tremendous joy. Being in the position to relieve a grieving heart is one of the great blessings of my life. Think about the people youve helped, supported and mentored this year - and send them your love and gratitude. Forgiving others is a gift to yourself. Picture all the people you interacted with this past year. Among all of the positive and profitable interactions, there were probably a few duds. Maybe you had a confrontation with someone and came out of it with hurt feelings or a bruised ego. Forget about nursing a grievance with that person or replaying what you should have said in your mind, and instead think about what you learned from the interaction. Did it make you stronger? Maybe it brought to light a pattern of your own that you needed to be aware of. It may have cemented in your mind that there are certain types of people you should simply avoid. Once youve determined exactly what you learned from the situation, give yourself permission to forgive and move on. Send the other person your love and gratitude for the lesson they taught you - then dont give them another thought. My grandmother used to say Write it on the ice which was her way of telling me to forgive and forget. Send love to all! There is no force more powerful than love, and I cant think of a more beautiful way to end the year than by thinking loving thoughts about every person who touched your life - old friends as well as new acquaintances. Let those thoughts fill your mind, then project that love out to the universe. Pick a few special people and send them a note or give them a call to let them know what a difference they have made in your life. End the year with a smile. Once you have reviewed your year and discovered the lessons learned, the blessings realized, and sent love to the people who have touched your life (and released any grievances you were holding onto) you should have a feeling of lightness and closure. Like a soul who has learned everything it was meant to learn in its lifetime, youre ready to face whats ahead with wisdom and enlightenment. In the last few weeks of the season, hang onto your feelings of love, gratitude and forgiveness as you go about your activities. Share a little of that light with others. Put a dollar in the Salvation Army bucket, do something nice for a family less fortunate, or just ease up on the gas petal, slow down and smile. Happy Holidays!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:02:12 +0000

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