TYPES OF FANS 1. The bandwagoner: This is the type of fan that - TopicsExpress


TYPES OF FANS 1. The bandwagoner: This is the type of fan that supports the top team at that current time. Example: At this time that fan is probably a huge Bayern Munich fan (Possibly Dortmund). 2. The cynic: This is a fan who expects the worst to happen to their team and tends to focus on the negative aspects of their team. Example: After 10 minutes into the match “We are going to lose this game! Oh no look at that!” 3. The denier: This fan will never admit that his team has performed badly or is ever in trouble, to them their team is the best no matter what. 4. The aggressive fan: This is the type of fan that will swear profusely, raise his voice and start fights. You can insult this person’s car, house or family but don’t you EVER insult his team. 5. The manager fan or fanager: This fan believes that they should be the manager of their team and will contrast the coach’s decisions of formations and substitutions. 6. The hater: This is a fan that would rather jump with glee at their rivals losses than cheer their own team. 7. The seasonal fan: This is the type of fan whose mood is dependent on the form of their club. If their club has been winning, they will be a cheery person but any losses and they are depressed for a few days. 8. The optimist: This is a fan who expects everything to go well and only sees the positive in their team. 9. The crazy fan: This fan breaths their team. From duvet covers, to clothing to checking their teams feed immediately after they wake up, this fan will proudly show you who they support. 10. The realist: This fan is honest about his or her team’s strengths and weaknesses. They expect a realistic result from their team. 11. The average Joe: This fan is not obsessed with their team and will watch a game if they can but are not stressed if they miss a game. They don’t really trash talk other teams or brag about their own. 12. The historian: This fan has followed their team since they were young. They enjoy talking about the team’s past and can give you the team’s full history for the past 10 years. 13. The hop-around fan: This fan changes their mind every week. One week they love a striker, the next week they hate him, one week their team is doomed the other week their team is the best in the world. 14. The no fan: These “fans” are simply people who attend a match or watch a game but have actually no idea who or why they are supporting a team. You tend to never see them again. 15. The influencer: This fan tries to get everyone they know to support their team and get as involved into the team as they are. 16. The superficial fan: These are fans that support a team simply for a player’s looks. Examples: Real Madrid for Ronaldo, Manchester United for Beckham, Arsenal for Fabregas etc. 17. The noob: Now this fan can be broken down into 2 subtypes: They will either be hesitant to make any comments as they are not yet confident in their opinions or they will pretend and act like they know everything. Tip: If you do tend to meet this fan, be patient, they can be molded if given the right guidance. 18. The lifetime loyal supporter: This is a fan that will love their team no matter what they do and has been supporting them sincerely ever since they can remember. 19. The black sheep: This is a fan who supports the rival team in a sea of people. This is a very courageous fan. Example: Supporting FC Barcelona during El Clasico. At the Bernabeu. In the Real Madrid section. 20. The family club fan: This is a fan who has followed the family’s ritual of supporting that club. 21. The big mouth: This is a fan who boasts about their team on a continuous basis but if their team loses or has trouble they are no where to be found. 22. The silent victor: This fan simply celebrates his teams wins by himself or keeps to himself if his team loses. They feel no need to express their joy or sadness with others, simply seeing their team win is good enough for them. 23. The avenger: This fan is one who does not easily forget. They will prove you wrong with stats and if you ever diss their team and then their teams beats yours, they will not let you forget it. 24. The crescendo fan: This is a fan who becomes more vocal as their team tends to do better. 25. The one-man fan: This fan supports the club simply for one player. #DN
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 11:30:00 +0000

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