TZAV: The Priests Drors 3 From Creation Gospel Workbook 5, Volume - TopicsExpress


TZAV: The Priests Drors 3 From Creation Gospel Workbook 5, Volume 3, Vayikra Lets assume Aaron modestly put his pants on by himself, and that’s why it is not mentioned that Moses actually placed that garment on his body. The Light-Bringer’s linen pants, or BAD pants, means separation, and it is from the Hebrew word BADAD, in the sense of being separated or divided, withdrawn. The linen represents Light that causes the darkness to withdraw, and the linen garments of heavenly beings are often described as “brilliantly white.” This linen is a type of the heavenly splendor, or kvod, that pre-dated the present flesh coverings of earthly flaxen fabric. There is another interesting function of bad pants; the Hebrew text of Genesis 1:4 makes it even clearer that the Light-bringer’s modestly hidden bad pants were good: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided (va-yavdel) the light from the darkness. Again, the two-letter root of BD (bad) in badal, for division, shares the same root as the Light-bringer’s bad pants. Moses dresses the Light-Bringer in a lightweight linen tunic (kutonet, covering) that covers most of his body except for head, feet, and hands. Like evenly distributed light, the tunic is white. White light is an even distribution of all visible frequencies. Rainbows and prisms divide white light into the colors of the spectrum. The second garment continues the process of holiness by separating Aaron from darkness and setting him apart for service in the earthly waters. The white linen predicts the rainbows and prisms that occur when the light separates into the visible colors of the precious stones in the choshen.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:16:12 +0000

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