Taaaa Daaaaa - One Tardis - with Working Light! - AND YES it is - TopicsExpress


Taaaa Daaaaa - One Tardis - with Working Light! - AND YES it is BIGGER on the OUTSIDE!!!!!!!! - Actual Police Involved. I only wish the photos could give the overall feeling of what its like in person. When I look at the photos, I immediately see the wobbles and imperfections (Just look at that door refusing to stand straight!) but in the flesh your eyes dont seem to focus on them, but take in the experience (if that makes sense). Soooooo....Here are the statistics and funny bits. Picture this, hubby arrives home and says nervously ummmmm.......Did you measure this to see if its going fit through the door? OMG I didnt think of that. Of course its going to fit I say - madly twisting as Im a waaaaaay over time. Photos taken - Tardis is on its way........oh bottom! Its not fitting through the door. Starting to really get fluttered. Ok lets squeeeeeeese the frame from a square into a diamond - with breath held, phew its through! Right - its now dark outside, and its toooooooo BIG for my Mini Van! oh #$%$^& and #$$%%^#@ - time is marching on 3 1/2 hours, creeping on to the 4 hour mark late!...........who do we know with a truck.......nope....nope.......umm....... neighbour sees us through his window comes to offer some help....we need a bigger boat! errrr van. I know, remove the frames - cellphone light at the ready.......done. Tardis is now rolled up like a Carpet. Passenger seat forward and me like a half shut pocket knife. On my way. RED and BLUE LIGHTS!!!! Excuse Me - can you tell me where you are heading this evening? Im a bit concerned about you being overloaded ...........Wow a Tardis!!!........I cant wait to tell the guys about this. Just make sure you keep looking in your mirrors, and watch out for aliens - hurrr hurrr hurrr and Im on my way. I arrive and met not only the lovely Amanda - but hubby who was such a cool guy I used to go to school with! We all balloon wrangle it inside, and framework replaced. with only 2 popped bubbles. Both were sooo amazingly good and understanding to put up with such a late delivery. Soooo Thank you Amanda and Geoffrey! Stats and Tips for Next Time: 1: Approx 380 Balloons (1 x 350Q = 3 Bubbles) 2: Every bubble is individually knotted - which means that if a bubble pops or deflates, you dont loose the whole line, you only have to replace that one bubble. 3: I did end up calling Hubby home from work to help me make 2 Frames (both top and bottom) to keep it square. I would suggest in future making a frame for the opening door 4: The Light is made from a 646 stuffed with a LED Torch - tied at the base so the light can be switched on and off. 6: Expected delivery time 6pm - Boy was I lucky that I had such a LOVELY client putting up with me running 3 1/2 hours late!!! As much as I planned and worked non-stop, never having made something by myself on this scale, I truly underestimated the time required. 7: You have all heard of builders making something and having to cut open the side of the house to get it out........well I was one step away lol. So if I made something like this again - I would def have to think about sizing - and make it in panels that I would lace up on site. AND ON TIME!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:37:15 +0000

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