Table Talk By: Mike S. Apostol - TopicsExpress


Table Talk By: Mike S. Apostol Before “isolated case” now “revisit” It is appalling to note, that our officials and authorities are playing with words to justify lapses in many cases of law enforcement and adoption of City Ordinances that favors a certain sector. Take the case of the many unsolved “fatal shooting” incidences in the city, aside from the Police, even local government officials justifies them as “isolated cases” when interviewed after calling for an urgent conference and organizing “task forces”. Today, after all the millions of pesos of damages on our infrastructure, agricultural products and properties because of flash floods the concerned citizenry put the blame on the city’s neglect on the environment and one of them is the rampant and wanton destruction of our river beds because of quarrying, City Officials now are saying to “revisit” the City Ordinance on quarrying which is said to be defective and highly favors “quarrying business entities” and tend to neglect the protection of environment. To what direction is the city going? Some of our city dads who are claiming to be environmentalist must now take the cudgel to protect our environment instead of fighting a “windmill” like the SRPI that has not even started burning coal. *** Like smuggling not one destroyer of the environment is facing charges for all these destruction and dangers in the city. This development makes one think and “revisit” an interview over the radio recently by a former city councilor that allegedly “one winning city councilor even bragged that he has so many financiers that bankrolled his recent election and one of them is in the quarrying business”. This perhaps is the very reason why many of our newly elected city councilors are sporting privately owned expensive Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV) which is a far cry from their discarded “rickety” vehicle that they used to ride when they were not yet called “honorable”. We hate to know and believed that the San Ramon Power Industries (SRPI) or some canning factories at the West Coast are involved as one of the allege financiers of some winning city councilors. *** Recently in a news item one canning factory manager at the West Coast of the city is requesting the city government for a place to dump their coal ashes. This revelation proves that indeed coal has always been used by many of our factories at the West Coast and why the big fuss with SRPI’s coal fired plant? Will SRPI use a different form of coal that is so dangerous to the environment and that the coal used by the canning factories are “environmental friendly”? Perhaps we need a good answer from the many environmentalist in the city to erase the doubts entertained by some people that everything is a “zarzuela”. Contra factum non argumentum, against a fact there is no argument. *** Scoop: Environmental protection is everybody’s concern but the protection of the environment must not be selective because if you have seen one environmental destructor you have seen them all. Agree or disagree. ***
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:28:49 +0000

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