Tactical Report #3: Contemptible Familiars The more Familiar - TopicsExpress


Tactical Report #3: Contemptible Familiars The more Familiar the Stalkers are to you, the more circuitous and sneaky you have to be. The ways you reveal the Familiar Stalkers have to be online rather than public. I mean, sure, with those shots and videos of Stranger Stalkers should be posted online for the world to see, no doubt, but revealing their behaviour should be less secretive by comparison. With Familiars, its this simple - call them out through mediums as indirect as possible, and when gathering evidence, try to record the sounds of their voices. Fair enough, the deniability factor is higher in this case, but youll most likely be so close to them, it makes no difference. And photograph EVIDENCE of what these people are doing, rather than the people themselves. Of course, it is preferable that you get their faces, too - better in fact, but this requires hidden camera equipment as you want to destroy them while retaining social respectability. But its not essential. What is essential to maintain that any moment theyre gonna be found out feeling. Keep them nervous as to ascertain whether youve twigged them or not. In the first place, Familiar Stalkers are forced to be more passive-aggressive, inventive and conniving than their Stranger counterparts, so the more you expose them, the more they change things up in a bid to desperately continue to Stalk you while covering their tracks. But this plays directly into your hands, as this provides you with even MORE evidence to use against them, and even LESS need to get their faces. And as for your own behaviour, switch that up, too - keep them on their toes. Switch up your schedule, cut your intention to go home as close as possible. Never give them a moments predictability. The more unpredictable and even frightening you can make your behaviour within your own home - and the realms of lawfulness - the better. Vital Tip: Engaging manipulation of them is also important, and the more Familiar the Stalker, the more this should be employed. Be nice to them in front of their face, even peppering in some authenticity here and there. Make all the fighting sneaky. Remember, they NEED to remain as close to you as possible in order to spew their passive-aggressive propaganda and try to invade your personal life. Use and extort the HELL out of these people, especially financially and resource-wise. They will try to kill you with kindness - let them. Play on their ego by subtly alluding to your suspicion of them in roundabout ways. If they directly try to challenge you and ask if you think they are Stalkers, leave your answer ambivalent. You can afford to, because the more suspicious of them you appear to be, yet in the most subtle way possible, the more theyll try to win you back. This has been demonstrated time and time again, and will continue to. If they dont get close to you, all they have is second-hand information and they have to rely on less-effective Smear campaigns to try to isolate you (theyre targeting you - youre already isolated. So thats almost redundant, actually), which most likely wont silence you from exposing them at all. In fact, that makes their situation even MORE precarious, as if youve hung around THEM long enough, you become a risk to THEIR privacy, and they know it. You can hit them where it hurts, they continue to get more desperate. In any case, its a win-win.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:59:51 +0000

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