Tactics for Muslims 1. Always keep your CAPS Lock on. That way - TopicsExpress


Tactics for Muslims 1. Always keep your CAPS Lock on. That way your post will be difficult to read. 2. Whenever someone quotes a verse from the Qur’an that you cannot defend, claim that the verse is out of context. 3. Whenever someone quotes from a Hadith, and you are unable to answer, claim that Hadiths are unreliable. 4. When someone quotes from both Qur’an and Hadith, say that Qur’an and Hadiths can only be understood in Arabic. 5. When someone quotes from the Qur’an and Hadith, and demonstrates an understanding of Arabic, claim that the verses are only for a period of time and not applicable today. 6. When you cannot answer a question, claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion and will soon be proven to the whole world. 7. When someone refutes the claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion, claim that the figures are from biased Christians. 8. Paste some videos about Scientific Miracles of Qur’an from YouTube. When those videos are seen to be stupid, claim that the viewer is biased. 9. Keep on pasting random and irrelevant verses from the Qur’an to divert attention from the topic under discussion. 10. When you are totally on the run, curse and threaten people with Hell fire, and assert that they are not worthy of Islam. 11. Use platitudes such as Islam is a religion of peace, Men and woman have equal rights in Islam, There is no compulsion in Islam. [Pray to “Allah” that you won’t be challenged to give evidence for those statements!] 12. Use conjecture and guesswork in an attempt to prove your case. [Pray that you won’t be asked for references from Hadiths or respected Islamic commentaries!] 13. Attack Christianity! Pick any random point you can remember. It need not be related to the topic at hand, and there is no need to know anything about the matter. Pick any argument you can find online, from any Muslim website. 14. Change the subject. 15. Claim victory even when you are badly beaten in an argument! 16. If nothing else works, revert to personal attacks. Call people bigots and islamophobes! Swearing is tolerated from Muslims. Use insults such as female dog in heat, and dont forget to blame the Jews!! 17. If the discussion is floundering, resort to making anonymous threats. 18. Claim that Christianity has the same fallacies... (even though it doesn’t prove that Islam is right) 19. Jump to a different topic. 20. Ask question after question after question... paying no attention to the answers provided. 21. Quote as many random quranic verses as possible, (even when verses have nothing to do with the topic at hand) 22. Quote the Bible to prove Muhammad is a true prophet (even though verses have nothing to do with Muhammad). 23. Find any word in the Bible that rhymes with Muhammad and use it to prove that Muhammad is a true prophet. 24. Claim that the Bible is corrupt (even though the Qur’an does not). 25. Onlookers should interrupt, by shouting “Alah Oh Akbar” repeatedly to cause confusion. 26. If that doesn’t works, start burning churches all over the world and kill Christians to prove that Muhammad is a true prophet and Islam is a religion of peace. 27. If all else fails, RUN LIKE HELL! WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE DEBATING TACTIC?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:56:22 +0000

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